3 minor confessions



  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    1. My husband and I have only been away from one another about one weeks time total in 6 years, we are together just about 24/7 and truly enjoy it :) He is my best friend.
    2. I dislike shopping.
    3. I am obsessed about my weight and have probably spent 1/2 my life thinking about it, hate it.
  • alxdeanda
    alxdeanda Posts: 72
    I would like to add a confession:
    I hate the "help" on the technical whatever message board..I can't understand how to add a picture to a post! lol
    In my last confession, I said I'm smarter than I let on...This is kind of proving that statement wrong..and I don't like it.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    1. To annoy my friends, I stab creamers with a fork, turn them upside down over my coffee and say, 'moo'. Sad but true

    This got a LOL from me. :)
  • acidblackcat
    1. Even though i love spending time with my kids/family, and it was super hard to do... I miss working overnights at the hotel!

    2. It really offends me when ppl tell me I dont handle stress well... cause honestly who does! Pffft they act like they handle it so much better...as if! And honestly when u have this many things to stress about, can anyone really handle it well?! LOL

    3. I love Candy! Peeps are the best!

  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    1. I feel like I am more attracted to my husband than he is to me......and even though "I'm" unhappy about my weight - I'm losing it so he can have a hot wife.

    2. I really don't like dogs - it grosses me out when I see them on people's beds or furniture, even more so when the dogs lick and kiss faces (they lick their own as$es, don't tell me they have the cleanest mouth on earth).

    3. I don't think I'll ever be happy with my body - even though I'm planning on getting a boob job.

    oh, oh, oh one more - I work out like a mad woman and resent people that don't have to work out as hard as I do.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    1. To annoy my friends, I stab creamers with a fork, turn them upside down over my coffee and say, 'moo'. Sad but true

    This got a LOL from me. :)

    I may have to try this
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    1. I feel like I am more attracted to my husband than he is to me......and even though "I'm" unhappy about my weight - I'm losing it so he can have a hot wife.

    I feel the same awy about my wife.
  • bizet912
    bizet912 Posts: 27
    1. My FMIL moved in with us in July and I cannot wait for her to leave. I think she has a very creepy attachment to her son, very creepy...I think she wants him to herself in a very bad, nasty, sick, gross way.

    2. All of my friends with kids stopped talking to me once they had kids and it makes me very sad.

    3. I wish my dad would leave my mom so my sisters and I could step in and give her the kind of care that she deserves rather than being neglected by him (she had a stroke and is in a wheelchair)
  • megs2003
    megs2003 Posts: 90
    bump for later... only got to page 5 and want to come back for more. :)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    1. One of my favorite smells is Pine-Sol
    2. I watched the Bachelor this season for the drama (I'm a terrible person)
    3. I don't really care for music of any kind.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    1) My boyfriend and I watch "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette". It's so embarrassing, but we can't stop the obsession..

    2) Sometimes, I drop my daughter off an hour early at daycare, and I just go sit in the park, all by myself, and do NOTHING at all, even when I should be studying or being otherwise productive.

    3) I don't actually need to take 10 minutes to poop in the bathroom, but I say that I do, so I can just sit and read uninterrupted.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    1. I sometimes day dream about how my life might be if I'd never met my hubby.

    2. I play video games instead of doing homework... but some how magically I always get my homework done on time.

    3. As much as I want to have a baby, the thought of not only growing a human inside me and pushing it out, but also the thought of caring for this helpless person for the rest of my life scares the living *kitten* out of me.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    -I'm secretly ashamed of my family.
    -I actually enjoy spending more time with my friends THAN my family
    -I'd rather smell the pages of my new magazines 90% of the time than to actually open them up and read them
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    1. I love the smell of gasoline, laundry detergent, sharpies, nail polish remover and any cleaning products. Probably why I have a horrible memory...
    2. I yelled "stop" at my 2 year old louder than I wanted it to come out. We were at Logan's Roadhouse v_v She kept kicking the crap out of my knee. Oops.
    3. I'm a crunchy-mama wannabe.
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    1. I can't go a day without playing the Indiana Jones Adventure game on FaceBook
    2. I think I am smarter than my boss (the owner of the company).
    3. I really wish my husband would work out with me once in a while to show he's supportive of me losing weight (he's a 6' 155lb naturally lean guy).
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    1. I'm hating being pregnant. 15 weeks and I am so sick. (not hating the fact I am pregnant, just hating pregnancy)
    2. I really, really want a girl for completely selfish reasons :)
    3. I'm terrified to see the scale move up even though I know its what needs to be happening right now. Nervous for that day when it actually does.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I'm materialistic. I try to convince myself my main goal is health but its really just vanity. I'm lonely.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'm materialistic. I try to convince myself my main goal is health but its really just vanity. I'm lonely.

    Well if it makes you feel better, you've succeeded because you look hot!
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    1.I'm terrified of turning a long distance into a same town relationship.
    2.I have been super lazy and making up random excuses for it.
    3.I am afraid of trying new foods, especially veggies and fruits.
  • iluvmuddyjeeps
    1. i'm totally jealous of my friend that has dropped over 100lbs due to bypass surgery, even though i'd never have it done.
    2. i could walk into the kitchen and eat my 6yr old's entire box of little debbies with no remorse at all
    3. i think $100 Miss Me jeans with rhinestones and junk all over the back pockets are a total waste of money and these teenage girls should not be wearing them, because they only cause creepy old men to look at their A**.