3 minor confessions



  • Danardeener
    Danardeener Posts: 255
    1. Today I ate the Quesadilla salad explosion at Chili's (Thank God I only ate half, just a mere 640 calories for half);

    2. I then ate a small bag of chocolate chip cookies in school just to stay awake (280 calories) :(

    3. I love pizza. I always say that it is my cryptonite...I have no point of satiety...really, I think that I could keep eating it until I explode.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    1. I harbor a secret desire to pretend I'm a homicide detective investigating a murder when telemarketers call, and act like they're suspects.

    2. I got a Scentsy for my office to mask the fact that sometimes I pass SBD poots when I'm working.

    3. I never travel without a teddy bear in my luggage to protect my belongings from TSA agents and inspectors.
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    1. m still waiting for my periods and m not pregg... god knows i am worried
    2. m scared that if i dont get back into shape NOW i wont be able to in my life... and mayb my hubby wont lov me the same way ..
    3. even though its only been 5 days of 30ds i stand in front of the mirror to see if i can see muscles.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    this thread is making me cry...

    (i am drinking wine... so that may be a factor).... it just mostly feels so authentic--- which makes it equally painful and beautiful...
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    1. I am obsessed with loosing weight and exercise. I love to log my exercise and food!

    2. I have a half back of tattoos among others on my body. All of which have meanings to me.

    3. I just cut off 11-1/2" of hair on Sunday! I have a really short messy pixy hairdo now.

    4. I am obsessed with watching the Food Network Channel on TV


  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    I have a few others..

    I cried reading most of these confessions (Im a bit of a crybaby....) because I realised Im not the only one with these thoughts swirling around in my head.

    I don't want to quit smoking because Im deathly afraid that Ill put all the weight I lost back on...

    I wish I was prettier.. my cousin has always been the "pretty one" and Ive always been the "smart one"... I Wanna be the PRETTY ONE!!
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    1. I haven't had even 1 date in well over a year and I'm terrified that I'll be alone forever.

    2. I would kill for even 1 man to look at me the way it seems every man looks at my sister. It kills me to be the ugly one in the family.

    3. I work hard and drive myself for my goals to distract me from my shortcomings. Sort of like trying to make up for my looks with career success.

    4. I cried when my doctor told me that I would probably have to end my career soon. I nearly collapsed in his office and I'm not really the dramatic type, I was able to hold back the waterworks until I was alone in my room but it devistated me that at 24, I'll probably have to end my career because of back problems. I love what I do. I do have higher goals and this was never meant to be an end point but I had hoped it would last at least a little longer.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    I have a few others..

    I cried reading most of these confessions (Im a bit of a crybaby....) because I realised Im not the only one with these thoughts swirling around in my head.

    I don't want to quit smoking because Im deathly afraid that Ill put all the weight I lost back on...

    I wish I was prettier.. my cousin has always been the "pretty one" and Ive always been the "smart one"... I Wanna be the PRETTY ONE!!

    you're not alone....it is making me cry too....
  • Ginzhot
    Ginzhot Posts: 1
    1. wow...i can relate to the mirror thingy...i look in the mirror and i see im a little overweight but when i see a picture of me I can see what an actual hog I am...ugh

    2. I feel guilty about everything. I hate that. I wish I could just be happy.

    3. I think food is going to be the death of me. I eat when I'm not hungry and when I eat, I eat till I feel like throwing up. I can't stop myself. I eat while I'm cooking and am full when it's ready, then I eat again...wth
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I am going to make mine all about weight loss
    1- I have worked like a DOG this past year to lose 72 pounds and I get so frustrated and seriously internally angry at women who have never had a weight problem and are naturally skinny...I have never been a huge over eater or lazy so it makes no sense that I always struggle with my weight.. When I see skinny girls at the gym or my Zumba gym I want to smack them. LOL :explode:

    2-I get so mad at people pigging out and just eating whatever they want, whether they be fat or skinny it kills me that I eat so healthy and exercise like an animal and they are wolfing down fries and shakes!!!!!!!!!! :P :grumble:

    3-My weight loss started out a year ago mainly to get healthier and feel better, but now I'd love to just stick my weight loss down a bunch of annoying people's throats!!! :laugh:

    I know it sounds like I am bitter and angry (maybe I am a little lol) but It has been a long year...I lost my 19 yr old nephew, I had a miscarriage, and my 17 yr old has been a handfull...I need a drink!!!!!!!!!!! A skinny girl cocktail!!!!:drinker:
  • mariacamera
    mariacamera Posts: 14 Member
    1. I might be addicted to chocolate.
    2. I have four cats, but tell people I have three, because I don't want to be considered a "crazy cat lady".
    3. I'm very happy with my life but very unlucky in love, and wonder if I will grow old alone (but with my cats!)
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    1. I love adele and wish y'all did too. lol .
    2. I had chocolate ice cream today, it was okay. (under calories). I always crave sweets like a mad woman, then I eat them, and think they are just okay. Then I wish I had just eaten fruit...but i never crave fruit, or veggies.
    3. I volunteer at a hospital and i don't really like it. I really want to be a nurse one day and being in that environment keeps me motivated to getting closer to achieving that goal. But i really can't afford to work for free. My boyfriend and I could use that extra day of work, i contemplate quitting every week.
    4. I have a baby and I'm not married, and that is perfectly okay with me. I wish people wouldn't judge me for it or ask when my boyfriend and I are getting married. Um, when we're good and ready that's when!!
    I do the same thing about craving something, eating it, then realizing it wasn't as good as you wanted it to be. My brain hates me. lol
  • SuperGirl975
    1. I'm afraid I'm not going to make it to my goal.
    2. I am letting stress get the best of me.
    3. As much as I'm doing this for myself, I'm also doing it to prove that the "fat girl" CAN lose weight and become the "skinny girl". And after seeing some of the people from from my past recently (you know, the skinny, popular, "I"m too good for you" ones), I'm going to look a hell of a lot better than they do right now.
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    life is too hard sometimes
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    1) I love the OP. Yeah, she rocks!
    2) I'm on the message board when I really NEED to finish my schoolwork.
    3) I turn off the shower when I am soaping/scrubbing/lathering or however you wanna call it because I hate to waste water :)
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    Posting again because I can

    1. Although I said earlier I haven't had a date in over a year, if one of the people who ignored me when I was fat (and also now while I'm still fat) asks me out when I get thinner, I will turn them down. If I'm not good enough for them while I'm fat, they won't be good enough for me when I'm not.

    2. I envy my sister in so many ways and wish I could have been the pretty one but I still bust my behind to provide the best example I can for her.

    3. I can't stand my sister's boyfriend. He is a nice guy and all but he is a freeloader and he causes her to be a different person. He lives with us and doesn't pay rent, bills or pay for food. If you say anything to my sister about it, she goes into attack mode. I feel like he stole my best friend and replaced her with somebody I can't stand. Plus they act like 13 year olds with their first crush. Vomit.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    1. Sometimes I really miss having an executive job and wonder if I'm missing out because I choose to be a stay at home mom

    2. The monotony of wake up, make three meals, clean the house, go to the park, read the same books...etc etc... is killing me, I need more but dont want to have other people raise my little girl..... damn my internal struggles

    3. I need to get serious about these last 20+ pounds, I've been really slacking since I hit the 160's (complacent much?)
  • BuddhaBelly79

    :explode: I have a faith that I trust and believe in whole-heartedly. I have my belief system, and you have yours...that is why this world is a wonderful place. If you feel assured and confident having Jesus in your heart, then I would NEVER ask you to accept something different. And for the record, Nirvana is the end of a cycle of rebirths, and the soul finally leaving all existence.....Christians do not even believe in this....so please do not tell me that your Lord will promise me Nirvana.....because once again, this is an EMPTY LIE with absolutely NO TRUTH behind it whatsoever.

    I :heart: who I am...and what I believe. If I felt that I needed a new path, I would've asked your opinion. This was a bulletin for us to vent our confessions....Not a place to repent our sins and accept someone else's religious deity into our hearts.

    Moral of my post: You tell me to accept Jesus into my heart - But if you truly accepted Jesus into YOUR heart you would accept me for who I am and not make the self-determination that I need to change religion based on what YOU believe to be true. The world doesn't work that way.
  • BuddhaBelly79
    POST FROM "kidakiwi04":

    If you accept Jesus in your heart you're guaranteed nirvana and much more

    1. Comments like that make me ashamed of being Christian.


    From: PeachPeriwinkle:

    :heart: All I can say is BLESS YOU for saying this. :heart:
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    1.I drank 3 Coronas tonight :-/
    2.I ate a chili dog tonight since I was wayyy under on daily calories
    3.I would eat chocolate if I had it right now :-/