3 minor confessions



  • alxdeanda
    alxdeanda Posts: 72
    1. I secretly love knowing that I'm in better shape than my cousins (considering I'm going to a family wedding soon, and I WILL look the best. :])
    2. Sometimes I cheat when I'm dong a P90X workout. :] lol (like I won't finish it, or I'll skip a step that I think would tire me out too much.}
    3. I'm glad that my old best friend turned into a slut after she harshly "broke up" with me. I used to feel so down when I'd hear stuff about her partying or doing activities with her "new best friend", until we hung out again and realized that her "style" just isn't for me. :]
    4. I LOVE Wife Swap and House Hunters.
    5. I want to be on a reality t.v. show like Survivor, or Out of the Wild. Even Fear Factor! I want to test my limits!
    6. I LOVE playing video games like Battlefield, and Mario Galaxy for Wii.
    7. I play way too much poker. Gambling really IS an addiction. (But sometimes it pays off! :]) I've come first once, and second quite a few times in tournaments. :])
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    1. I still eat pizza at least 4 times a week.
    2. I put a hershey miniature in my bowl of ice cream today.
    3. I will repeat an exercise if it gets me a better view of a hot woman

    Probably should have included that my profile picture is not me. It is LL Cool J.

    I was totally envious of you as I thought it was you in the picture... LOL
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Bump - to read later.
  • legittuszynski
    1) My wife recently ran a full marathon and has lost 45lbs over the last year. I am insanely jealous.
    2) I hate my job, and regularly search for new jobs while at work. :blushing:
    3) I avoid social interaction with people I truly enjoy, and I don't know why. Although I think it has something to do with shame. :embarassed:
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    1-) my brother pisses me off for being 28 years old and still dependent of my mom, but I don't hate him.
    2-) I miss having girl friends like I use to in high school
    3-) People with unibrow makes me (VERY) uncomfortable
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    1. I have a favorite child.
    2. I truly hate my job, even though my fake smile says differently, I cry all the way home at night.
    3. My boss hit on me, and I cant get past it. I hate him, he makes me uncomfortable.
  • nikkifk
    nikkifk Posts: 48 Member
    1. I absolutely hate mother's day.
    2. I won't tell my husband how much I weigh
    3. I am a female leader in a very male world
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    1. I spend way too much time on Tumblr.
    2. As much as I dislike the Jersey Shore people, I still watch their show.
    3. Sometimes I want to see two movies at the movie theater but I don't want to pay twice...so I'll pay to watch one movie and then when it's over I'll sneak into another. (I'm so terrible)

    I totally did your number 3, but not as a kid.. as an adult.. like last year and I am 34 years old... YOU CAN DO IT!! LOL
  • alxdeanda
    alxdeanda Posts: 72
    Bump - to read later.
    What's bump? and how do you do it? lol
  • Journeyingascrystal
    1) I can go dayz without eating veggies.

    2) I use myfitnesspal more for mental health purposes than physical cause I just want to strangle the guys who work for me and my customers daily.

    3)I really would like to delete about 50% of my pals but I stood on a soapbox one morning preaching against deleting and it would make me look like a big hypocrite.

    lol.. your number 3..... hmmmm. lmao.. thats what you get!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    1. I fell for a co-worker and dumped my b/f for him only to have said guy go out and find another job. :grumble:
    2. I don't think I like my mother very much. :frown:
    3. I'm scared that I am too lazy to take my weight loss any further.:embarassed:
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    1.) I still see myself as the girl on the left side of my profile picture...on most days.
    2.) My boyfriend makes me feel skinny and sexy....and now I'm addicted to him instead of food.
    3.) I was married to an abusive, drunk and I'm so much stronger for it. ( I secretly wish for his death so that my children would receive his social security. He doesn't pay his child support.)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    1. PMS is killing me right now. All I want to do is eat a jar of peanut butter and yell at someone
    2. I am not always so excited when my brother visits with his kids. Actually I seldom am.
    3. I still sometimes forget my Dad has passed away and almost text him or run upstairs to tell him something. I find this really bizarre.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    1) I often would prefer being alone than with anyone else.
    2) There are many people in my life that I don't like but can't escape.
    3) I really think I'm addicted to M&M's - I've been known to eat a pound or two in a day.
    4) I like my job, but hate the place where I do it. If I could take this position and move it to a different/better company, I would.
    5) #4 not withstanding, if I could get a job on the radio, I'd quit my current job in a heartbeat.
    6) Most likely I will never have children and this sometimes bothers me.
    7) I cheated on my last wife. And while that has led to a new, wonderful marriage, the guilt of if it still haunts me.
    8) I miss my first wife (yeah, I've been married 3 times). She died of cervical cancer in 1999 and there are still few days that I don't think of her.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    1. I have an addiction to Pearson's Salted Nut Rolls.
    2. I bought a second scale so I could weigh myself at work.
    3. I have no idea who Adele is.

    #3, haha. Do your best for it to stay like that. =]
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    1. I hate cats. Ok..well...dislike a lot.

    2. I have a severe phobia of snakes, worms, slugs, anything slithery. I cant look at pics or see them on TV and omg if I see one for real. If I want to go in a pet store someone needs to check if they have them. If its raining and there are worms on the sidewalk I cry. A Boa almost ate me when I was 4 and I assume that had something to do with it.

    3. I hate odd numbers. If I put multiple exclamation marks here...they have to be even...the volume on the TV...even..anything I buy..even. Unless its an even amount of a larger number...as in 5...which is 1/4 of 20 so ok..LOL!!!! I'm nuts.
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member
    1. Love be able to loss weight by just quitting sodas and junk food (lost 7 kg in one month)
    2. Started to love my body back (I'm a man, love women but let's say my low backside is reaaally nice. Eye candy in a square leg suit)
    3. Started to go Commando about 15 days. Feels good!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    1: I'm hopelessly addicted to Mad Men and think ahead of when I'll be free for 45 minutes to watch an episode. D:

    2: I haven't looked at myself in a mirror in years because I completely despise my body. I make EVERY effort to avoid any shiny surfaces, and look at the ground when I get undressed to shower.

    3: I could live on dessert alone without any kind of savory foods for the rest of my life and be happy. No wonder I'm fat. xD
  • andreabball
    andreabball Posts: 90 Member
    1. Addicted to Toffee... have eaten some every day for the ...oh ****, everyday since Christmas!!

    2. When my husband isn't home, I let the dog climb into bed with me

    3. I'm deathly afraid to stop running, tracking, counting, weighing... I don't EVER want to go back to the "old" me,
    lose my motivation, or self-control.

  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member