greendragon Member


  • Um... a little off topic but just wanted to check... are you aware that Quorn isn't vegan? (all Quorn products contain a small amount of egg white, and most also contain milk ingredients according to their website)
  • This is how I make a pretty simple pasta sauce. I'm not really much of a cook but this is something I can throw together fairly easily. The biggest dangers are burning the onions or not reducing it enough so the sauce is watery. For about three portions I'd probably use: 1tsp oil 1 onion 2 cloves of garlic 1 red pepper 1/3…
  • Those sound delicious. I think I might have to make some to take as part of lunch. For breakfast I usually have bran flakes or weetabix with a cup of tea and I'll add some fruit if I'm having a hungry day.
  • Soup. Spicy butternut squash or lentil soup are my favourites.
    in Lunch Comment by greendragon July 2012
  • It's 19:07 and I've had 1461 calories so far according to this site. I should be trying to fit another 92 in before bedtime so I reckon another cup of tea or two is probably going to happen.