

  • I am in :-) SW: (Starting weight): 140 lbs CW: (Current weight): 121 Lbs GW: (Goal weight for the month) : 116 lbs Weigh in Dates: 5/1 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost:
  • Will look forward to your response.
  • I would say total intake was 2000 (including 500 for nursing) except a few cheat days like 2 or 3 in these two months. From today itself I have reduced breastfeeding cals to 400 instead of 500.
  • Day 7 today -> Feel less sore. I am also doing 45 minutes brisk walk along with this Shred and planning to add Tiffany Rothe's workout for 10 minutes today! Feel energetic and positive ;-) Looking forward to hear from you people, how is your experience with it?
  • How it is going for you? Mine day 6 today. I am so looking forward to move to level 2 :-) Do you feel any difference so far, may be its too early :P ?
  • Day 5: My Legs are still sore. Determined to workout, enjoying it so far and expecting big results. How about everyone else? I'll measure weight on Sat after I am done with Level 1.
  • Today is my Day 4. My legs and arms feel it but I am not that sore as I expected it to be, so far I am enjoying it. Yesterday I have gone over my calorie limit, apart from that I am determined to stay within the range. Weight Day 1: 137 Lbs, I have more than 25 lbs to loose to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. Will check…
  • Thanks, will join in.
  • Hi, How much did you loose when you did it before?
  • I have the dvd and everything set up, just to prepare I gave it a try for 15 minutes just to feel how intensive it is, won't count that in. Today I am going to start with this, let's weigh ourselves and do measurements on day 1. Will do that once I am home today and post. Just to let you know all you need is weights (I…
  • Did you people notice a drop in milk supply when reduced calorie limit to 1600? I am not doing that on purpose because I am afraid of drying out.
  • I am not as focused as you are, but I try to eat somewhere between 1800 to 2000 calories per day. I mostly have home cooked meal which comprises of green vegetables and low carb low calorie bread. I avoid white rice and other things most of the days. I have lost only 10 lbs since my LO's birth. I still weigh 140 lbs for…
  • I have a 3 months old, trying to loose baby weight, have started my efforts 2 days back since I am back at work and really want to getinto my old clothes. I have gained 35 pounds in my pregnancy and only lost 10 after delivery, so I have a long way to go..Feel free to add me..
  • I am working mom of a 3 months old and I breastfeed/pump. I still have 25 lbs to loose. To be honest I was not able to eat only healthy food, was eating lots of fatty foods while at home during maternity leaves. So now looking for motivation and support to eat healthy and track calories. Will see if this makes a…