

  • I think I do the same plan, and I love it! I am on day 3 of week 7 and never thought I would be able to run for 25 minutes straight! I did the plan at a slower rate (repeated days) because it was challenging! It has probably taken me 12 weeks instead of 8 but it feels awesome to be able to run! Do the program at your own…
  • HI everyone! I have been on here since January but I just started taking everything seriously a month ago! Looking for some friends on here, feel free to add me!
  • I am the same exact way! I try to only weigh myself once a week so I don't make myself crazy, but the number is not moving. My jeans are looser and my friends have made comments, but I do not feel any satisfaction because the number is the same. It is driving me nuts! I love that my jeans are too big, I just wish the…