Musalicea Member


  • Count me in ladies....Wedding date is Decembre 18, and goal is 30lbs by then. I am having a hard time keeping the pounds off....and I am starting to get a little discouraged :(
  • I am so impressed by how much weight you are loosing.....there must be something i am doing really wrong because I am having trouble keeping the 2lbs I was able to get off since beginning of the month, when I started......please, somebody help!!!!
  • Count me in. I just joined (starting date June 03-2010). I am getting married in exactly six months from today and i really need all your encouragements. Starting weight : 165 lbs. Today weight : 163 lbs Goal weight : 130 I am trying a low carb diet and it is going well so far....Does anyone have any tips on how to improve…