Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • I'll join! Let's see if I can lose 5lbs in 2 weeks!!!!:)
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    I am a big Jillian Michaels fan and she suggests not to have carbs after dinner, so when I want a late/later snack I aim for string cheese, cottage cheese, almonds - hopefully something like that takes the edge off.

    Bru - neat idea to get together - I am in NE Wisconsin - where is everyone else?

  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Natalie...please can I join this great group? :flowerforyou:
    I currently weight 174lbs and have been at a plateau for about 3 weeks. I stopped losing when I stopped ANY exercise due to tendonitis of the achilles tendon. I have fully recovered now and am currently doing the 30DS....Nice to meet you all :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Last month we posted where we were from so people could hook-up if they were near anyone. Probably a great idea for this month since there are so many new members to this thread.

    I am in Northfield, MN

    Where do you live?

  • I'm up for it. I'll even try and lay catch up for this month and try and lose 5lbs in the 2 weeks thats left (we'll see)
    Starting weight is 13 stone 7lbs.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    HI All,

    Ok, I'm a little frustrated. I jumped the gun and weighed myself on Sunday because I felt really great and I weighed in at 139.2. The lowest I've been in 4 years. This morning I weighted in at 140.8. The last two days I worked out extra hard too. I do have my Lady Thing and am wondering if that has something to do with it.. hopefully!? I saw some of you post about it but I haven't read them yet. I'll have to see what you said.

    Here it is. Not at great as I wanted but at least I'm losing SOMETHING!

    SW March 2009: 152 lbs

    June 1st: 141.8
    June 8: 141.2
    June 14: 140.8

    GW June 30th: 136.8 lbs

    Ultimate Goal 130 lbs.

    :( I am really getting frustrated.

    Ok, I'm quoting myself here because yesterday i was really frustrated and then started reading about days you should weigh in. So I had done a serious weight lifting session Monday night and weighed myself Tuesday morning and that is when my weight went up dramatically from the night before. I found online that you shouldn't weigh yourself the day after lifting because your muscle swell with fluid and retain a lot of water as they repair themselves. Maybe it's totally wrong but I weighed myself this morning and I'm back down again and really wanted to post it because I haven't been under 140 in years and it felt good to see that. Here are my new stats. Sorry about all the silliness but I really needed this motivation because yesterday I was just if an awful mood about it the entire day. I think I need to throw my scale away sometimes and not weigh myself at all!

    SW March 2009: 152 lbs

    June 1st: 141.8
    June 8: 141.2
    June 15: 139.6

    GW June 30th: 136.8 lbs

    Ultimate Goal 130 lbs.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I'm in Branson, Missouri
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I usually don't eat after dinner. Sometimes, if I have any calories left I will have a Skinny Cow single serving ice cream cup. I love these and it takes care of my sweet tooth. Most of the time I don't have any calories left. :frown: I am in Indiana. Anyone live close to me???
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you to those whp rsponded to me about weighing in on TOM....I was feeling really discouraged. And to top it off...I stepped on the scale and I had gained 2lbs...of course I weighed myself before I read all the wonderful support-boosters. I will boost up the water drinking...I won't weigh in this week.
    I love all the snack ideas and support here...BTW- I'm in San Diego, Ca....anyone near? :glasses:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thank you to those whp rsponded to me about weighing in on TOM....I was feeling really discouraged. And to top it off...I stepped on the scale and I had gained 2lbs...of course I weighed myself before I read all the wonderful support-boosters. I will boost up the water drinking...I won't weigh in this week.
    I love all the snack ideas and support here...BTW- I'm in San Diego, Ca....anyone near? :glasses:

    When I step on the scale & it shows I've gained then I drink more H2O and add another exercise/workout or 2. Then I'm usually back down again the next day. It all works out on the scale! :wink:

    I'm in Moline, IL (Quad-Cities)
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I'm in Twin Lakes, ID

    Snacks? If I have too many snacks around the house that's all I do is eat snacks... I have a jar of dry roasted peanuts at my desk with a 1/8 measuring cup, I don't allow myself any more than that. For dessert I've tried the yoplait parfaits they are OK but a lttle too sweet, the weight watchers ice cream cups are really good, and I've tried the smartones brownie ala mode and it's pretty good. I love to have fruit (small apples or oranges) with my lunch to satifisfy that sweet craving afterwards.
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I am in Corcoran, CA
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I live in Houston, Tx.

    Sorry for being so absent lately. I went on vacation (which WAS relaxing after all) then had family over for a few days. They left about 20 minutes ago. With all that is going on, I have fallen off the wagon in a big way. I am upset with myself but at the same time, this has been the longest I have ever gone with sticking to a healthy lifestyle. I won't let this bump in the road take me all the way back to 185, and I am starting over FRESH tomorrow. These few pounds I have gained will melt away, and I will continue to lose!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Amanda, glad you were able to enjoy your vacation. Your positive attitude is very inspiring!!

    I ate 2 small pieces of pzza with the family for dinner tonight and am soooo proud of myself for not having 4 or more!!
  • Musalicea
    Musalicea Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in.
    I just joined (starting date June 03-2010). I am getting married in exactly six months from today and i really need all your encouragements.
    Starting weight : 165 lbs.
    Today weight : 163 lbs
    Goal weight : 130
    I am trying a low carb diet and it is going well so far....Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my water intake? I am not drinking enough water.....
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    i have to eat at night time because i work the overnight shift...lol...so i eat my breakfast at 2:30am...
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Oof. I sure took my sweet time for this weigh in. It's that TOM and I still stepped on the scale...

    April 28: 134
    May 3: 131.9
    June 1: 130.6
    June 7: 129.8
    June 17: 128.7

    June 26 (Event) Goal: 125
    June 30 Goal: 124
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I weigh in officially tomorrow, but just for the heck of it, I weighed in this morning (unofficially) at 227.6, which means I went up .2lbs :( But hopefully it will be different tomorrow. My eating habits haven't changed and my exercise has been push just a bit harder than previous weeks do to advancing in C25k..hopefully it will pass. That icky weekend is approaching again, I think it will be another one at home which should do me good. Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far and an even better weekend. XoxoxoX Bru
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I jumped the gun and got on the scale this morning just to check things out. I was really hoping for a repeat of last week but I can't complain because the scale was down .4lbs. I have started C25K back up after being sick for a week. I thought I was going to have to start over but I started with week 2 and I am so ready to move on to week 3. I was sad when the running part was over. What has happened to me LOL!! Hopefully tomorrow the scale will move again in the right direction :)!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Tonight I'm starting training for the Bix 7 race the end of July! Its a grueling 7 mile, full of hills race! However running with 15,000 -20,000 people is a lot of fun! I won't be running it however! I always run the hills, but fast walk the rest! I haven't done it since 2004!

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