Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    I went out with my girlfriends for Margarita night last night after my Zumba class. However I passed up the ONE margarita I was going to let myself have & opted for good ole H2O. I only ordered one chicken enchilada & a 1/2 order of beans & rice. I stayed under my calories for the day, however I felt like totally crap when I got home! :sick: I guess next time I will only get the enchilada! AND I'm glad I decided to pass up the Margarita!

    I still feel like crap today, but I drug my butt out of bed at 6:30 this morning so I could catch the Bollywood/bellydancing on FIT TV before getting ready for work. Then I took a short walk on my break, yet I still feel crappy! My stomach is just blah! :sick:

    I gotta try to get motivated when I get home tonight. I plan on doing my C25K day 1 again, I WILL FINISH DAY ONE YET! :laugh:
    Then either a bike ride or Jillian's Shred DVD. Hopefully working out will get me feeling better.

    Good for you that you had the will power to turn down the 'rita!! I hope you start feeling better soon. :/ I finished Week2 days 1, 2& 3 of C25k, but I missed Bollywood this morning. The hubby had a guys night with video games and I didn't head to bed til almost 11pm and even with my alarm clock set, I didn't make it. I was up by 8am though :)

    I even went on a 2mile walk this morning! I weighed myself today,but after eating breakfast and drinking water, so it's not 100% correct but it shows I lost 2lbs since Sunday ( I gained one pound from the previous week/weekend, so it only showed that I lost 1lb), if I lose one more pound, I hit my first mini goal :D I'll be back here tomorrow morning with my official weigh in results. XoxoxoX Bru
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    I went out with my girlfriends for Margarita night last night after my Zumba class. However I passed up the ONE margarita I was going to let myself have & opted for good ole H2O. I only ordered one chicken enchilada & a 1/2 order of beans & rice. I stayed under my calories for the day, however I felt like totally crap when I got home! :sick: I guess next time I will only get the enchilada! AND I'm glad I decided to pass up the Margarita!

    I still feel like crap today, but I drug my butt out of bed at 6:30 this morning so I could catch the Bollywood/bellydancing on FIT TV before getting ready for work. Then I took a short walk on my break, yet I still feel crappy! My stomach is just blah! :sick:

    I gotta try to get motivated when I get home tonight. I plan on doing my C25K day 1 again, I WILL FINISH DAY ONE YET! :laugh:
    Then either a bike ride or Jillian's Shred DVD. Hopefully working out will get me feeling better.

    Good for you that you had the will power to turn down the 'rita!! I hope you start feeling better soon. :/ I finished Week2 days 1, 2& 3 of C25k, but I missed Bollywood this morning. The hubby had a guys night with video games and I didn't head to bed til almost 11pm and even with my alarm clock set, I didn't make it. I was up by 8am though :)

    I even went on a 2mile walk this morning! I weighed myself today,but after eating breakfast and drinking water, so it's not 100% correct but it shows I lost 2lbs since Sunday ( I gained one pound from the previous week/weekend, so it only showed that I lost 1lb), if I lose one more pound, I hit my first mini goal :D I'll be back here tomorrow morning with my official weigh in results. XoxoxoX Bru

    Thanks, Bru! I am doing a bit better now. No idea why I have the "blahs" today! I've kept at it however! I have 2 walks in already today & of course the Bollywood this morning. Today's was a different one, not sure if I liked it as much. Didn't burn too many calories per my HRM. Only 76 for 22 mins! Oh well, it was a nice "relaxing" workout for the morning start!

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your weighin tomorrow! Sounds like it should be a good one! :bigsmile:

  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Terri--- I saw Dr. Oz talk about the difference between taste buds in adults and children. I googled it and found this at http://www.bestsyndication.com/?q=100907_dr_oz_on_oprah_winfrey_childhood_obesity_statistics_diabetes_weight_loss.htm

    "Dr. Oz said that kids don’t like to eat vegetables because they have more sensitive taste buds. Kids taste bitter easier because way back before civilization happened they needed to have a way to avoid poisonous foods which often were bitter. They tended to desire sweet foods because they were not poisonous. So that is why kids today tend to like sweet foods and bland foods. Dr. Oz said that children tend to follow a white food only diet because of their bland and sweet tastes."

    Interesting, right?

    Thanks for the well wishes for my vacation, everyone! I am looking forward to "getting away" for a bit and hope I can relax some. I did well today as far as eating goes, and that has helped tremendously.

    I think it's more the problem of the parents not liking certain foods and passing it on to their kids. (Sorry, I know this may not be popular.) Kids pick up on every little thing adults do. If they never have sweets or pop tarts or whatever, how would they even know they like them? I ate loads of veggies, etc as a kid and loved them. We never had many sweets or soda ever when I was little and today, I still don't have much of a craving for them. I think that's because my parents influenced my likes from the beginning. Oddly (?) I'm now a vegetarian. Good thing I like veggies! :D

    I love and serve lots of veggies but cannot get my youngest to eat them. I am a very busy person so we do use a lot of prepackaged food. I try to balance that out with healthy choices and healthy quick snacks. My choice so judge if you must! Oddly I am a addicted to soda pop. My kids have watched my drink it their whole lives. They will drink it but they prefer water or the older 2 drink milk. I believe kids need to be exposed to all types of foods and told about the pro's and con's of each. I don't believe they will live through their teens without being exposed to fast food by their friends, but if they come prepared with knowledge maybe they will make the right choices. We as adults are prepared with knowledge and we do not always make the right choices. I personally do not believe any food is bad or good! I believe being healthy and happy is about finding balance in the foods we eat.

    Yes my kids know what pop tarts and a lot of other prepackaged foods are and how they taste. Does that make me a bad parent I don't think so. They also grow and eat vegetables from the garden, except the youngest. They love seafood, except the youngest. They eat lots of fruit, except the youngest. I know he will come around because the older 2 did.

    Have a happy healthy evening!


    Hi Terri!

    I just saw this, so pardon the late reply.

    I DEFINITELY don't think giving your kids whatever you want to give them makes you a bad parent! Sorry if it came off that way. :smile: I just meant that taste buds develop young and kids like what they are fed generally. I'm sure there are exceptions of course (like your two kids with the soda). There are also studies that what the mother eats while pregnant and/or breast feeding also influences people's general food likes and dislikes.
  • ladybugfrenzy
    ladybugfrenzy Posts: 30 Member
    I am so up for this challenge...I need a little motivation. 5lbs is also a great short term goal!
  • ladybugfrenzy
    ladybugfrenzy Posts: 30 Member
    I will have to check out the fit tv. I have it but always forget about it. Thanks for the reminder!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Prelude to tomorrows weigh-in....I started the South Beach diet Monday morning, and have stuck to it all week, so I'm excited to see if this helped me to break through this plateau I've been at...Oh I hope, I hope!!!! If I see 139 on the scale again I'm going to throw it out the bathroom window!!!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Terri--- I saw Dr. Oz talk about the difference between taste buds in adults and children. I googled it and found this at http://www.bestsyndication.com/?q=100907_dr_oz_on_oprah_winfrey_childhood_obesity_statistics_diabetes_weight_loss.htm

    "Dr. Oz said that kids don’t like to eat vegetables because they have more sensitive taste buds. Kids taste bitter easier because way back before civilization happened they needed to have a way to avoid poisonous foods which often were bitter. They tended to desire sweet foods because they were not poisonous. So that is why kids today tend to like sweet foods and bland foods. Dr. Oz said that children tend to follow a white food only diet because of their bland and sweet tastes."

    Interesting, right?

    Thanks for the well wishes for my vacation, everyone! I am looking forward to "getting away" for a bit and hope I can relax some. I did well today as far as eating goes, and that has helped tremendously.

    I think it's more the problem of the parents not liking certain foods and passing it on to their kids. (Sorry, I know this may not be popular.) Kids pick up on every little thing adults do. If they never have sweets or pop tarts or whatever, how would they even know they like them? I ate loads of veggies, etc as a kid and loved them. We never had many sweets or soda ever when I was little and today, I still don't have much of a craving for them. I think that's because my parents influenced my likes from the beginning. Oddly (?) I'm now a vegetarian. Good thing I like veggies! :D

    I love and serve lots of veggies but cannot get my youngest to eat them. I am a very busy person so we do use a lot of prepackaged food. I try to balance that out with healthy choices and healthy quick snacks. My choice so judge if you must! Oddly I am a addicted to soda pop. My kids have watched my drink it their whole lives. They will drink it but they prefer water or the older 2 drink milk. I believe kids need to be exposed to all types of foods and told about the pro's and con's of each. I don't believe they will live through their teens without being exposed to fast food by their friends, but if they come prepared with knowledge maybe they will make the right choices. We as adults are prepared with knowledge and we do not always make the right choices. I personally do not believe any food is bad or good! I believe being healthy and happy is about finding balance in the foods we eat.

    Yes my kids know what pop tarts and a lot of other prepackaged foods are and how they taste. Does that make me a bad parent I don't think so. They also grow and eat vegetables from the garden, except the youngest. They love seafood, except the youngest. They eat lots of fruit, except the youngest. I know he will come around because the older 2 did.

    Have a happy healthy evening!


    Hi Terri!

    I just saw this, so pardon the late reply.

    I DEFINITELY don't think giving your kids whatever you want to give them makes you a bad parent! Sorry if it came off that way. :smile: I just meant that taste buds develop young and kids like what they are fed generally. I'm sure there are exceptions of course (like your two kids with the soda). There are also studies that what the mother eats while pregnant and/or breast feeding also influences people's general food likes and dislikes.

    They have also done studies where they inject sweet or salty into the amniotic fluid...guess which one gets the best response from the babies? Sugar! So even while still in our mothers we prefer sweet things!
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    Okay 2nd weigh in of the month today.

    1st june 196lb
    10th june 193.5lbs

    2.5lb to go :)
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I am still hangin' in, but the last couple of days has been really hard. DF's mother was in the hosp for a new seizure disorder and my mother was also there having a heart procedure done. I spent most of yesterday there and ate breakfast and lunch in the hosp cafeteria. I think I did okay for both of these meals. For dinner I had a tenderloin from Dairy Queen. I didnt feel too bad because I was starving by the time I got to eat and I did turn down the fries and blizzard. Today, I did okay with food. Went over my calories a little. I have been extremely bloated and tired today. I wanted to sleep the day away but instead I went grocery shopping at 2 different stores with a screaming toddler. I don't even know what her problem was, she was fine after we got home. Then after dinner I took DD for a walk down the street. More like she walked/ran and I chased her. I don't think I will be down 2 lbs this week like I wanted to be but I do think I may be down 1. We'll see in the morn.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    It is raining and thundering so no outside morning walk. I have done 2 days of Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and hope to get it done again today!

    I was so crabby all day yesterday. I stepped on the scale yesterday and it read 177.4:noway: I was ready to throw in the towel and say around 175 is where my body wants to be. I have been stuck in this area for quite some time now. But guess this morning the scale was down to 174.4!:bigsmile: So happy!

    January 1 weight 185.6
    May 1 weight 174
    June 1st weight 175 (bad, bad, bad long weekend) I just changed that I realized I hit the wrong key
    June 4 weight 176.4 Must be retaining water I have had a great week eating
    June 11 weight 174.4 Almost back to May 1st weight. Need to keep working!

    I have worked hard for those 11 pounds so far this year!

    At my house it is so hard right now as I am trying to cut out carbs and my husband is carb loading for his first marathon a week from tomorrow!

    Last day of school for the kids. I get so excited because I get a break from making bag lunches for a few months!

    Have a healthy day!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Well, I started South Beach on Monday, so I've been on it for 4 full days and I've lost......(drum roll please)....3lbs!!!
    Yeah, I'm so thrilled, not sure how I can stick with it through the week-end, our week-ends are hecktic, always something going on.

    Congrats Terri!!!! Keep it up!

    SW: 139
    CW: 136
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Good morning all!

    It is raining and thundering so no outside morning walk. I have done 2 days of Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and hope to get it done again today!

    I was so crabby all day yesterday. I stepped on the scale yesterday and it read 177.4:noway: I was ready to throw in the towel and say around 175 is where my body wants to be. I have been stuck in this area for quite some time now. But guess this morning the scale was down to 174.4!:bigsmile: So happy!

    January 1 weight 185.6
    May 1 weight 174
    June 1st weight 175 (bad, bad, bad long weekend) I just changed that I realized I hit the wrong key
    June 4 weight 176.4 Must be retaining water I have had a great week eating
    June 11 weight 174.4 Almost back to May 1st weight. Need to keep working!

    I have worked hard for those 11 pounds so far this year!

    At my house it is so hard right now as I am trying to cut out carbs and my husband is carb loading for his first marathon a week from tomorrow!

    Last day of school for the kids. I get so excited because I get a break from making bag lunches for a few months!

    Have a healthy day!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!


    Ah the carbo load...such a wonderful indulgence.... And how fun is the last day of school?! For your kids and for you!!
    A little much needed vacay for both of you! Any big plans?

    I am off to North Carolina this weekend to help my boyfriend find an apartment for our year apart...boo hoo :sad: while he does his fellowship there...anyhow. God knows the food choices will be limited but I'm going to try my best to get in at least one good workout and try and find good (HEALTHY) foods down there :) No offense to any NC natives in the house...but goshdarnit all that bbq looks tempting. I can never pass up a hush puppy!

    Wish me luck!
  • ashleybell
    I'm in too. I need to loose weight in prep for baby #2!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Welcome Ashley!
    Good luck rcatr! A year apart....it'll be tough but you can do it. :flowerforyou: My boss's husband is a private contractor in Iraq and has been over there about 3 yrs. They see each other twice a year for about 3 wks each time. It hasn't been easy but they have managed pretty well. He's raking in the dough so he can semi-retire when he comes home. It's been a sacrifice but will be worth it in the end. I'm sure that will be the case for you two. So hang in there.

    My "official" weigh in day is Monday but I just had to share what the scales said this morning. I am one of the bad ones. I weigh every day....I know, you're not supposed to but I do it anyway. I just don't update until Mondays weigh in.
    That said, I weighed 211.5. :happy:
    I seem to be off the plateau and moving in the right direction, albeit a little slow. But I am NOT complaining!

    Today is my last day off from work for a week. I work 7 days straight and then I'm off on vacation and headed to OKC for my daughters wedding preparations. The wedding is Sat the 26th! Can't believe it has come up so quick. My original goal was to be at 199 by then but I think it's going to be more like 208 or so and that's ok. I'm pretty dang proud of myself. :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Friday Morning!

    June 1: 162
    June 4: 160.2
    June 11: 158.2 :bigsmile:

    I don't know how I lost 2 lbs. this week, but I'll take it! DF is working again this weekend so that usually makes eating healthy a bit easier. Bad news is that I have Baby Showers both Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully, I can stay away from the food at the parties! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I started the week @ 231.8 (was 230.8 but gained a pound last weekend) then officially weighed in this morning at 227.4!!!! Woot Woot!! I weigh 5lbs less than my hubby AND I met my first mini goal!! Lunch date with my brothers Drew and Tyler hopefully tomorrow :) Hope you all have a wonderful and healthy weekend. I will as it's my first weekend to be at home in 4weeks.
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi everyone, Have had a good week and down another pound :laugh: only 2 more to go YAYYY

    Starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10........164.5

    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138

    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136

    Weight on 5/14/10..........................................134

    Weight on 5/21/10..........................................132

    Weight on 5/28/10..........................................131

    Weight on 6/4/10............................................129

    Weight on 6/11/10..........................................128

    Goal Weight for end of June........................126

    Final Goal Weight...........................................126

    Going to the Isle of Wight Festival this weekend so might not be so good next weigh -in Lol
  • bcrist
    bcrist Posts: 19 Member
    I weighed in last night and have lost a total of 6lbs in two weeks. Love the weight management plan at Curves and of course working out at Curves. Plan on keeping it up since I've hit the goal of 5lbs lets see how much I can loose by June 30th.

    June 1st weight 261lbs
    June 11th weight 255lbs
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I forgot to weigh in this morning. I am going to have a little pity party right now:frown: . I am SOOO sick.:sad: I have been working 16 hour shifts to cover everyone else who is out sick and I am mad that I can't just stay home under my blankets. Then I get up this morning and go to make my protien shake I drink every morning and my magic bullet died :sad: (moment of silence please I really loved that thing). So I had to shake up my protien and it just isn't the same :)!! I get to work and they have FOOD....I went a way overboard. I had a breakfast burrito, did manage to throw away the doughnuts that were brought to me and I buried them deep in the trash can, but I did go have a piece of lemon meringue pie. I am horribly uncomfortable now and wishing I had the will power and had not touched any of it.:mad: Plus on top of it all I didn't pack my lunch so it is eating out. So I have to try to find something that is healthy.

    Ok. Now I am done with my pity party. Sorry everyone just having a bad day!! I will weigh in tomorrow!! Congrats to everyone that lost!!:happy:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I am feeling GOOD!! :wink: No other words necessary as you will see from my weigh in.

    June 1st- 212
    June 4th- 207.9
    June 11th- 203.9 (Down 8.1 lbs in 10 days!)

    Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!