Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning June Challengers! Today's weigh in....drum roll please...129.8...finally under the 130 mark...barely but i'll take it. So, since I've started...

    April 28: 134
    May 3: 131.9
    June 1: 130.6
    June 7: 129.8 :bigsmile:

    June 26 (Event) Goal: 125
    June 30 Goal: 124
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    :flowerforyou: Morning June Challengers! Today's weigh in....drum roll please...129.8...finally under the 130 mark...barely but i'll take it. So, since I've started...

    April 28: 134
    May 3: 131.9
    June 1: 130.6
    June 7: 129.8 :bigsmile:

    June 26 (Event) Goal: 125
    June 30 Goal: 124

    Good for you!
  • IceFaith
    IceFaith Posts: 81
    I started June at 241.5
    Weighed in today at 241.5

    I worked very hard yesterday and drank alot of water. I know that I'm retaining some fluids because my hands are swollen. I am happy though, even w/ the swelling there isn't a gain! :)
  • katper15
    katper15 Posts: 21
    I'm in! Thanks for the goal!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone!
    Here's my monday morning weigh in results.

    June 1 wt. 214.5
    June 7 wt. 213.0
    June 30 goal wt. 209.5
    Just 3.5 lbs to go! (if my math is correct!)
  • ecabrera
    ecabrera Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in. I need to feel accountable. Starting weight 178.5. 6/6/10 Current weight 177 lbs. Good luck to all.
  • kheduarte
    kheduarte Posts: 6 Member

    Hubby and i plan to make a baby soon.... need to lose the weight BEFORE the pregnancy comes.:laugh:
  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    Hi Everyone!
    SW = 202.5
    6/7/2010 = 101.5

    Woo Hoo I lost a pound and had a crappy week last week :( I am working towards an even better week this week!! Have a great Monday everyone!!

  • chalayne
    chalayne Posts: 16
    Hi all,
    Joined in late last month and did 4.5 lbs. After this week's weigh in I'm at 7.5! Yea! Looking forward to at least 5 lbs this month!

    SW 161.3
    CW 253.8
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Here's my monday morning weigh in results.

    June 1 wt. 214.5
    June 7 wt. 213.0
    June 30 goal wt. 209.5
    Just 3.5 lbs to go! (if my math is correct!)

    Awesome job! Keep it up!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    OUCH! Sorry about the bee sting. That sounds painful as heck! sorry to hear that Hope the doc can help you out. How id that bee sting your eye?

    I cleaned all day today and my house is sparkling pretty much. Well I still have two bathrooms to finish up tomorrow but I did deep cleaning on the kitchen cupboards, plus mopped the hard wood and tiled floors in 6 rooms. My body was so tired after so much cleaning that all I could think of doing was sitting in the swimming pool and just chillin there. So I headed to the pool about 4:40 this afternoon and hung out there for about an hour and half. I swam laps for about 20 minutes but other than that I just chilled! It felt GREAT.
    Tomorrow my house guests arrive and I hope I their rooms don't get dusty between now and then.

    Phylljen. :happy:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    I can see this month (at least the first few weeks) will be very challenging for my. My husband is carb load for his first marathon and I am trying to cut out a lot of carbs (not all carbs just most). It is very hard not to eat everything I cook. I need to stay strong.

    Took a very nice walk in the fog this morning. Actually it was nice when I left but it got a little foggy before I was done.

    I also got in week one of Biggest Loser Power Sculpt.

    Now to eat healthy the rest of the day.

    Keep up the great work everyone.

  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Ok I weighed in on Friday but didn't have time to log in here before I left for my vacation so here it is

    June 1st- 267
    June 4th- 266.6

    YAY a Loss!! But then went on vacation to Vegas for a weekend. I didn't do my C25K like I had planned but I did walk EVERYWHERE!! I made pretty good choices with my food. Stayed away from the buffets because I know I wouldn't have been able to control myself LOL!! I did drink... A Lot but I also danced the nights away!! I got on the scale this morning and was at 268.5 which I am going to contribute to water weight LOL!! I am back on track now and ready to lose this weight. Off to do W2D2 of C25K!! Wish my luck cause it is a butt kicker for me!! Good luck to Everyone!!
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    Had a TERRIBLE weekend: hosted a baby shower & snacked the entire time followed by a Sunday snacking on all of the leftovers from Saturday :noway: Was so frantic before the baby shower, I didn't work out & was so tired afterwards, I didn't work out. Excuses, excuses! I have been very fortunate and haven't gained, but have so many parties/barbeques scheduled during June that if I don't get my will power under control, I will start seeing some very bad consequences! Grrrr, need to get my mojo back!

    MFP SW 1/4/10: 197.4
    6/1/10: 167.3
    6/7/10: 166.7
    GW for 6/30/10: 162
    Ultimate goal weight: 145
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    sw: 180
    gw by end of june: 175
    gw by end of july: 170
    gw by end of august: 165
    gw by end of september: 160
    gw by end of october: 155
    gw by end of november: 150
    gw by december 31: 145
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Rainy dreary day which suits my mood. I woke up this morning and the tendonitis in my leg is making my right leg very sore today. I must have over done it yesterday and am paying the price today! It hadn't bothered me in so long I thought it had gone away.:sad: :sad:

    I wish I had access to a pool like you do Phyljen. I used to laugh when we moved here. The early morning lap swim is at 7 am and the evening is at 5 pm. (I work from 7-6) My idea early morning and evening are pretty different than those hours.

    Have a healthy day!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hello Hello!! I started Couch to 5k last Tuesday... I just finished W2D2 today and felt great!!! I just came across a good site to use for anyone who wants to track their walks/runs mapmyrun.com It really helps see exactly how far you went plus how much you average mph :) Its free as well and it helps me accurately log my pace for my walks for here. If you join, feel free to add me brunettewife. I'm gonna weigh in Friday, I'm hoping that my making up for last weekend( gonna burn an extra 150cal each day this week) will help me get back on track. I tried a few new drink mixes. Ocean Spray Cran Grape and Cran White Peach (on the go for both) and Great Value Grape...they are great :) It's suppose to be rainy all week so hopefully I can get my last day of C25k in for the week, then it's gonna be a lot of dancing. I've been considering getting a workout dvd, I haven't made it up to Walmart to see what's out there, but do you all have any suggestions? I've also thought about heading to youtube.com and seeing what kinds of videos I can find there to do for free. I hope you all are well and having a wonderful week. XoxoxoX Bru
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    It's confession time for me! Yesterday, I did really well all day. I got a workout in after my appt. and felt great! I took my pregnant sister, my 2 year old nephew, and my 16 mo. old to the playground. Brought healthy snacks for everyone. 1st mistake: Preggo wanted a snocone so we stopped there and got one. I bought a lg. to share with my daughter. I threw half of it away because it was too sweet. I rarely drink anything with sugar. 2nd mistake: Got home at dinner time and instead of cooking I ordered a pizza and proceeded to eat 3 slices! 3rd mistake: Since I had already ruined my day I went ahead and ate 8 bite size snickers! This behavior is absolutely ridiculous! My stomach hurt all night and I didn't sleep well, and still doesn't feel great now. So this morning I got on the treadmill and did 2 half hour weight loss workouts and then a healthy breakfast. AF should be here any time and with my bad eating yesterday I am afraid to see what the scale says on Friday. I have been doing really well other than yesterday so I hope to still see a loss. Who knows?
  • hendrickson21
    I am in! Jun 1st --166
    Final weight lose goal is 130

    36 pounds to go.. I can try.. BTW how are you all losing the weight? I am watching what i eat and stuff but i am not losing as much weight as i prolly should be
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    ... I've been considering getting a workout dvd, I haven't made it up to Walmart to see what's out there, but do you all have any suggestions? I've also thought about heading to youtube.com and seeing what kinds of videos I can find there to do for free. I hope you all are well and having a wonderful week. XoxoxoX Bru


    I love the Biggest Losser Cardio Max!! I do 4-5 days a week ( as suggested) and it is amazing! The muscle tone in mu butt is already noticable! I have never in my life had a toned butt.