

  • If anyone has in the neighborhood of 100lbs to lose, I would like to partner up with you! :smile: I'm 48 years old, and would really like a weight loss buddy.
  • Hang in there! Of course, eating less calories is one way to offset the lack of exercise. But I find it matters what I eat too. I eat a pretty raw diet (80%) and as a result, I don't have to be as diligent about portion sizes. The calories are so low, that it doesn't matter if I eat more raw spinach. the best advice I can…
  • hi! I'm new here too! I have a lot of weight to lose (about 100 lbs.) and I am in it for the long haul. I need to take it off because I have RA and I am in a lot more pain than I would be in if I was smaller. So, the motivation is there. I'm also a strict vegan. I am basically a "Forks over Knives" kinda eater. Nothing…
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