Welcome! I have been T1 for 39 yrs and I am now on a pump as of November 2011. I was able to get the OmniPod. It is a wireless, tubless pump system. I also use a CGM. If you have any questions, you can friend me and we can chat. It takes a while to get all the right settings, at least it has for me but overall I am glad to…
Hi Pattie, Welcome! I too have been Type 1 for 39 yrs and just started using a pump. So like the others if you have any questions, need support, just want to chat, you can friend me as well. The support is great and this tool helps to keep us on track. God Bless, Theresa
I too have a pump and CGM that I just started using in November. I am still trying to get used to it after 38 yrs of shots. Let me know if I can help or share what I am learning. Theresa
Hi Diane, I am new to this site and looked up this group to see if there were any people with Type 1 diabetes and how they are dealing with things. I too am a Type 1 for 38yrs and have always suffered with the high and low issue. I currently live alone and it is so scary to go to bed at night with a BG less than 200…