ThomasTheTrainr Member


  • Good evening! That is a common conundrum but quite a conundrum nonetheless. The midsection can be a tricky area and is often the last place we lose bodyfat. Despite what you have heard about cardio and strength training remember one thing, Abs are made in the kitchen. The ratio of carbs to fats to protein in your diet…
  • How many times your strength train depends on your abilities and goals. I would recommend starting with once or twice a week. Listen to your body, you should be sore after the first workout so wait for your body to recover then go at it again. I am just checking out this you guys are talking about. Looks great.…
  • Hey Kara. Great question! Strength training is a very overlooked part of losing weight and getting back in shape. This is a shame because it goes hand in hand with losing the weight and most importantly KEEPING IT OFF. Muscle requires calories (about 50 calories per pound of muscle to be specific) and the more of it you…