

  • 16 gauge!!! :laugh:
  • San Diego!! Scripps Ranch area!!
  • If she is out there talking about diabetes to get people to get checked and then make decisions to get healthy their way, great. But quite personally, why does everyone need to know her personal life. Yes, she is a celebrity but I so don't care about anything other than what a celebrity is supposed to do, entertain me.…
  • [/quote]So, weight dropping (within reason) and loud noises are part of a lot of routines. I work out in a gym where there are guys doing some very serious weight lifting and training. Some are professional athletes and they never drop the weights or make loud noises. They stay like the rest of us and look great doing…
  • Within reason is totally fine. In pilates, you guys should try that too, we make some sounds as well within reason, of course. The conan thing is a bit much.
  • Way to go!!! Hang in there and keep things going!!! I'm dealing with a similar problem now. My back has decided to to do its own thing again and the pain has been bad. This time instead of going crazy and eating away, I'm eating way below. I don't want the 10 lbs back that I lost. Frustrating but it'll get better!!:smile:
  • I'll send you a request. Inspiration from friends is always the best!!:happy:
  • I love just about any roll that doesn't have salmon. Lately I've been eating the seared ahi salad. Amazing Salad!!!
  • Happy to be there for you!! As you will be for all of us!!:happy:
  • Hang in there, Ninja!! You will be ok!! You are like me, you need a coach to help you out and that's what you are looking to with this group!! There you go, back on track already!! Remember, stretch after you warm up, stretch while your working out, stretch when you are done. Make sure that you are doing good form. Lifting…
  • I know how you feel. 3 years ago I had all the discs in my lumbar spine from L1-S1 herniate. Go big or go home, right? Haha!! Anyway, after about 3 years of hell, I finally got better and am able to work out again. Unfortunately, there are times when my back starts to hurt. Sometimes, like now, really bad. It comes down to…
    in Man down! Comment by cyndyv January 2012
  • Polar is fantastic and some even work in the water if you like to swim. I used to swim with mine and I loved it so much. still do but my husband got me an iphone one. I'm hoping to use it tomorrow. Good luck!!
  • I know Hungry Girl has a few low cal recipes to check out. They weren't bad. Sometimes I take the flavored sparkling water and add half a shot of rum or vodka, sometimes flavor. I have been told by many, however, that alcohol will slow down metab if you go with too much so as with everything else, not in excess!!
  • I love getting a nap in and best of all, my kids are old enough to know not to wake me. Yay!!! My favorite is to nap when it's cold outside or even raining. Such a rare thing here.