Paula Deen on the Today Show - what's your opinion?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    She does high-carb desserts, too.

    So what? So does Giada

    And Bobby and Guy and Rachel and Ina and every other Food Network star. They are desserts. You don't have to prepare them every day, or ever.

    I mean, aren't most desserts high carb? I doubt you're gonna see avocado based mousse and pudding all over Food Network any time soon. Or banana ice-cream made with nothing but frozen banana.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    She does high-carb desserts, too.

    So what? So does Giada

    And Bobby and Guy and Rachel and Ina and every other Food Network star. They are desserts. You don't have to prepare them every day, or ever.

    I mean, aren't most desserts high carb? I doubt you're gonna see avocado based mousse and pudding all over Food Network any time soon. Or banana ice-cream made with nothing but frozen banana.

    Probably. But I'm not sure why anyone would expect to use avacado or bananas only?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    She does high-carb desserts, too.

    So what? So does Giada

    And Bobby and Guy and Rachel and Ina and every other Food Network star. They are desserts. You don't have to prepare them every day, or ever.

    I mean, aren't most desserts high carb? I doubt you're gonna see avocado based mousse and pudding all over Food Network any time soon. Or banana ice-cream made with nothing but frozen banana.

    I saw trout ice cream on Iron Chef once.
  • cyndyv
    cyndyv Posts: 18
    If she is out there talking about diabetes to get people to get checked and then make decisions to get healthy their way, great. But quite personally, why does everyone need to know her personal life. Yes, she is a celebrity but I so don't care about anything other than what a celebrity is supposed to do, entertain me. They don't run or decide my life for me.

    If she is putting it out there to make money off of it, then shame for sure. Some people need meds. My son, he has seizures, is one. But there are those who can take care of things simply by taking care of themselves. You need to know which one you are.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    :love: now I am hungry
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    If she is out there talking about diabetes to get people to get checked and then make decisions to get healthy their way, great. But quite personally, why does everyone need to know her personal life. Yes, she is a celebrity but I so don't care about anything other than what a celebrity is supposed to do, entertain me. They don't run or decide my life for me.

    If she is putting it out there to make money off of it, then shame for sure. Some people need meds. My son, he has seizures, is one. But there are those who can take care of things simply by taking care of themselves. You need to know which one you are.

    Type 2 Diabetes is not a condition where there needs to be so many different meds. I am sorry, it is self-induced and can be reversed with a controlled carb lifestyle where a person may need to start off on medications and then get off said medications as they lose weight and their body heals to become more insulin sensitive again.

    Most of these medications are detrimental to the body ever healing, therefore the longer you are on said medication, the more damage is being done to the body. That is where neuropathy and such comes into play.

    You can not compare a condition such as your sons seizure disorder which he did not inflict on his self to one millions of people (including myself) actually has inflicted upon themselves. Medicine and Science have their place and are positive for many conditions..........

    But it is ridiculous to fork out hundreds of dollars a month for Diabetes medication which for Type 2 Diabetics is a Lifestyle Disease.

    I have done my part to change my lifestyle from the Standard American Diet over to the Paleo Lifestyle. I am completely medication free, including Diabetes, PCOS and Thyroid medications (which was the last to go).
  • enlightening
    enlightening Posts: 20 Member
    Anybody else see Paula Deen on the Today Show this morning?

    I didn't have particular feelings towards her one way or another, but now I just straight up dislike her. She is basically advocating drugs (and getting compensated by a pharmaceutical company) over lifestyle changes to help type 2 diabetes. It's irresponsible. She has millions of followers who may follow her terrible advice. Plus? She waited three years to tell the public. I wouldn't care if she weren't famous, but she has a public responsibility with that damn cooking show of hers, and she's just exacerbating something that she could be helping.

    What are your thoughts?
  • enlightening
    enlightening Posts: 20 Member
    I saw her and thought she was very dishonest and was only doing this because she has made a deal to be paid for selling something. She reminded me of our politicians. She was anything but straightforward. Looks like she's knocked off some pounds, though.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Paula Deen is the least of our worries. She is one cook who cooks what is very obviously comfort food, from the South.

    If I occasionally want to eat something she suggests or prepares on her show, I am an adult and know what I'm in for. I don't eat out regularly at McDs or any place like that, and I certainly don't need foodies like Anthony Bourdain (I like him otherwise) lecturing me or Paula Deen.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I don't like Paula Deen anyway. As a southerner, I find her accent extremely forced and fake.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    I love Paula Deen. She has never billed her food as 'healthy'. It is comfort food and even on MFP we can have comfort food as long as its in moderation. We made several of her recipes over the holidays and I didnt gain weight. She has also never billed herself as the guru of healthy eating. With all the information out there on how to eat healthy, its noone's fault but your own if gain weight. If a person looks at Paula as a role model, then they are foolish.
  • angelswank
    angelswank Posts: 48 Member
    I think she is a fat-sugar-starch pusher, who should atone for her sins. She is harming people by giving everyone the idea that feast foods should be everyday foods. We have enough of that message from greedy corporations who don't care if they throw us under a bus, as long as they get our money.

    She should do FREE public service messages, and if she teaches anyone about food, it should be how to make delectable foods that nourish us and sustain our health.

    She's made enough money off the fat of the land.

    she does say occasionally on her show that she doesn't eat like that every day and that they are for occasional meals
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member
    I did not see the show but have watched her cooking shows......Although her foods look absolutely delicious....I have said while watching it......I think I may be having a heart attack. Between the sugar and butter...holy hell. If you consume that much fat and sugar....your bound to either have a heart attack or get diabetes.
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I'm sorry, but if unless she forced people to cook and consume everything on her show, she has no responsiblity to her audience. They are responsible for what they purchase, prepare and consume.

    Very much this. I watch cooking shows where they prepare foods with gluten. Do I cook and consume those? No, because I have Celiac. Every person is in control of their actions.
  • I love Paula Deen. I CHOOSE to make her recipes... not very often, but sometimes. We all have choices and we choose to make healthy meals most of the time or unhealthy meals most of the time. Paula, her meals are quite unhealthy. Sadly, I think she only came out about this disease because she would soon be gracing tv's across america. So, her secret... she figured she would tell it before people went into shock over a commercial or brochure at Walgreens.

    Still.... I like her show, I like her personality and I like her family. I love the fact that she does put the responsibility on her audience regarding meal choices. She's the cook... NOT the doctor :)

    Sad, though. I wish she had said something earlier. Still... I love her! She is funny and makes me laugh and she is an infectious person. She is one of a kind. I hope she helps america!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    To me, this has to do with Paula Deen, the diabetic: why not learn how to cook really well to avoid these diseases of excess, and teach THAT. She's a public figure, and could use her fame for the public good.
  • I did see her on the Today show. I think she is wrong about you should eat everything in moderation. Some people can't eat that way..Diabetics have specific rules that they should follow when eating. You have to eat a certain number of Carbohydrates, fats, protein along with fruits and vegetables everyday. I also am a firm believer that exercise along with proper nutrition will help aid in weight loss and will help with diabetes. I know some people like myself are carb resistant and I need to watch my carbohydrate intake otherwise I will be a type 2 diabetic which I don't want because the medicine alone is gross and the life long effects it has on your body is horrible. My dad just died of diabetes, and diabetic induced strokes and my mom is trying to take care of her diabetes but agrees with Paula Deen...Diabetes is a silent killer.....enough of me being on my soapbox
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
    I can't believe that made the damn news. The woman pretty much ate whole sticks of butter, and now the shocker Type 2 diabetes! REALLY?