

  • I'm having a hungry day and want to eat eat eat too. Still resisting but sitting at work is not helping distract me. With the lunch and breakfast that I have already eaten I should not be hungry. There are only 185 calories left for today. Probably will not make it be a within calorie limit day. This doesn't happen often…
  • I find that eating protein in the morning and a little more at each meal keeps me from snacking. Also drinking 2 glasses of milk a day stops my ice cream desires and I also less likely to eat cheese. Vegetables are difficult to eat but I do. The only thing that really causes me to stop loosing and start gaining is carbs.…
  • It takes a long time but it does work to count calories. Even when I blow it I keep track so I know why I haven't lost weight. When I start being good it works again.
  • It says 4 people in this group. I'm trying to eat more chicken breast and fish early in the day. It seems to help stop nibbling. Did that product from Co Grocery you were toting work?
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