dsr25 Member


  • Hi, I used to be vegetarian, but 8 years ago I became allergic to dairy (head swelled up/ eyes closed over. was poorly for about 3mths) and found with my being unwell, trying to go vegan was too much, and I ended up eating meat again. I would love to be vegan for health reasons, as I have piled the weight on since eating…
  • Some great ideas guys! My favorite - Chicken Curry 2 chicken breasts 1 tin chopped tomatoes or tub 0% fat yoghurt dependant on type of curry 2tbsp curry powder (whichever type you like) chopped onion and I always add a quartered courgette/grated carrot or other veg to hand to add bulk Cut up chicken and mix with curry…
  • Some great ideas guys! My favorite - Chicken Curry 2 chicken breasts 1 tin chopped tomatoes or tub 0% fat yoghurt dependant on type of curry 2tbsp curry powder (whichever type you like) chopped onion and I always add a quartered courgette/grated carrot or other veg to hand to add bulk Cut up chicken and mix with onion and…
  • Thanks guys! Yellow and green...... well I am from Birkenhead so am more blue and white (Tranmere Rovers) at heart, but have taken on the local team too!