Hello! Norwich calling....

dsr25 Posts: 6 Member
Hi folks,

Just downloaded the application to my iphone at the beginning of the week, and already thinking this is good!

I love the breakdown of fats etc showing on the daily screen, helps me make better choices, although at this point I am basically seeing what I was consuming before I started this healthy eating plan.

I have about 5 stones to lose (hangs head in shame) and have tried all diets going, and in desparation going back to counting calories - and am already feeling more confident!

looking forward to chatting to you all!



  • Rivah67
    Rivah67 Posts: 91 Member
    hello and welcome to the group. you will find lots of friendly people on here.
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome! I am originally from Norwich and got married in yellow and green (only you will understand that!)
    This board is fabulous- it really keeps you accountable in eating. I have learnt so many good nutritional facts here and there is so much inspiration.

    Ali x
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Welcome aboard!! You will find such a great support system here!!:smile:
  • dsr25
    dsr25 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys!

    Yellow and green...... well I am from Birkenhead so am more blue and white (Tranmere Rovers) at heart, but have taken on the local team too!