what923 Member


  • I used to have the same problem and seemed like nothing I did could get me back down below 160. I assume if you are on here you log every day. That is what made the change for me. Actually weighing my portions and tracking on here. Other than that I would say it's nutritionally based. I could share tons of suggestions from…
  • Stoshew- thanks for the explanation and reminder. I never understood before that running could be anaerobic (seems like an oxymoron since you are breathing/cardio)...until my nutritionist explained it. But I think you put it in clearer terms! - A simple reminder for me should be when I run slow -my body can break down the…
  • Really- it's a REintroduction...I've been on MFP for almost 3 years. For the past couple of years I've been in the maintenance area for weight. #1- I am a runner- started back in 2010. You can check out my profile for more details about me. I'm looking to add a few new friends just to keep me motivated. I keep my list…
  • I would say during any 'rest' period I would just switch to low impact, elliptical, bike, swim, walk hills and for sure keep up strength training. In fact focus on hips, ITB etc for strengthening since weakness in those areas is usually what causes 'runners knee' to begin with. also check out runners world- dr metzl for…
  • I run about 25 miles per week and use a garmin with gps and heart rate monitor. Based on my height, weight and then HR- I trust this to be about as accurate as I can get. Every persons 'zones' as a HR level will be slightly different depending on age and resting HR. Even when I run at 85% hr consistently for an hour I have…
  • TEMPO usually applies to runs at a moderately faster pace but for a longer distance (2-4 miles). This sounds like more working up for SPEEDWORK which usually involves fast running for a mile then 1/2 mile recovery, etc. But maybe your plan is different. At least it is working up the endurance slowly. Does your plan also…
  • I would agree with a lot of what Cam said. My biggest lesson I try to pass on so others don't have to suffer like I did...you must do strength training with the running! Even if it's just certain exercises to work on the main muscles used during running. I only ran when I started and my first half was kind of miserable.…
  • As a fellow glasses wearer with a similar face shape - those high round chipmunk cheeks...what do I know? but I'll suggest something waaaay different. Try a thicker sideframe (wide arms) but a skinnier rectangle shape on the front with possibly 'frameless' style. I think that's what it's called when the frame on the front…
  • Does anyone know how to delete threads you started? Seeing as how this point is mute now- I'd like to clear the board for other topics...can't seem to find a 'delete'....thanks
  • Ditto- thanks for the inspiration! My first full is 10/13 - I've done the training but worry about unexpected complications (nausea, cramps, etc) on the day of. Now I know I can tell myself if it's anything short of what you endured- that I should just suck it up and Finish! Hope you are feeling much better by now & if you…
  • I'm a little late on joining the thread but saw a lot of 'marathon virgins' like me on here so I thought I would chime in. 10 days and counting- Oct 13 in Ashland WI- the Whistlestop Marathon. Like the rest of you- getting more nervous as it gets closer. Just trying to stay positive and keep repeating "I've done the…
  • I'm a newbie too so not sure what my opinions worth- but 2 weeks out from my first full...I've been altering plans for about the last 6 weeks trying to keep whatever is in my lower right leg from getting worse. I did make my last 20 miles last weekend and my plan only called for two taper weeks anyway. So I'm thinking I…
  • Thanks Carson! That's what I'm hoping. For sure if it seemed to be getting any worse I would stop completely. The fact that is goes away after the first mile tends to lead me to believe it's muscle related. I do still worry I could be doing more damage by running even when it feels fine. At this point I'm going to keep it…
  • I'm glad to see so many people enjoyed this thread. Guess it just goes to show that most people think we have to worry about getting mugged or something but instead it's those sneaky creatures like snakes & deer that might be our true demise! I definitely carry my pepper spray on longer runs (even in town)...I'll have to…
  • Thanks for the input- yes shoes were the first thing! I track mileage per pair so at the first sign of any new discomfort the 300+ went out of rotation. I know the programs I've used usually only cut about 25% in the taper weeks so I wasn't sure if the pain was gone if I should try to push back. I think I'll stay closer to…
  • Always room for improvement- ran my first half (very hilly!) over 12 min pace...poorly trained- all I did was run. 2nd half (after some sessions with a trainer and weight lifting) 6 months later and on a flatter course at 10:30 pace. That was just over a year ago and now I'm shooting for an under 2 hour half (about 9 min…
    in running Comment by what923 July 2012
  • Personally I don't like porn or strip clubs for real because to me (IMO) a hot guy in shorts or pants is MUCH more attractive than a g-string. I like a little left to the imagination. Yes- not my lifestyle either, drugs and multiple partners but it was probably realistic to the lifestyle followed by men that really do…
  • I've run 5 half races and last summer found myself running 13 most weekends for a long run. I've been working on my speed to improve the last couple of races but picked one out last fall. I also have my first full this October. Last summer 17 miles was the longest distance I have run. Granted even after most 13 runs I…
  • leeapeea- I live in the upper peninsula of michigan so pretty close to Canada! Hunting center- so of course I know there are deer (everywhere!) and bears and wolves, coyotes, etc. Usually running around town and on the outskirts so don't expect too much close to civilization- although deer are rampant right in our city!…
  • Great job ladies! I'm a wuss...I have a before and 50 pounds less after pic in a bikini (no way to hide anything!) but it seems like so much work to post a pic in a thread. Toooo lazy. Congrats to all of you for knowing how to post the pic & showing what you got. Work it! A nice smile makes anyone beautiful in a bikini!
  • What nice progress! It is lovely to see when the hard work pays off. Which race is your mom thinking about in September? I've found a couple more things to work into my schedule before my first full in October. Thinking I maybe shouldn't be screwing with the training schedule too much but hey- you gotta have fun too and I…
  • Thanks for being an awesome example of losing 'fat' does not necessarily mean losing 'weight'. Body composition is where it is at! As I like to say- looks can be deceiving...we may be 'smaller' but we can really pack a lot in to that small space- go muscle!
  • Yup- 'runner' that's me. Still working on speed and going for my first 'full' this fall. you can check out my bio- if we have similar interests then please add me. Most of the peeps in my list are runners and we like to swap stories/accomplishments and training tips, etc. Get out & have a great run!
  • My first inclination is always that the hr monitor isn't working properly. Every once in a while mine will jump up more than normal and I have to adjust the band/ wet the contacts. However, if you take your pulse manually and verify it really is as high as 200. I would be curious what your resting HR is. When I started…
  • Don't you have that new house to keep you busy? I'm pretty sure some light cleaning, organizing & decorating make for a couple of light 'off' days pre-race. You've done the work now Enjoy!
  • When I was in a similar situation (the depression) I told myself to focus on fixing that first. Luckily a moderate medication brought things back to level. After that episode I swore I would rather be happy and chubby than skinny & sick (I had no appetite when I was depressed and got very thin). So love yourself and get to…
  • Ditto some of Moriarty...Make sure you add some water/wet the contact when you first put it on and try to have it up under your bra for the best position. Every once in a while I get a weird day where it just seems not to be reading right. After adjusting maybe try stopping the watch and resetting to start over. Sometimes…
  • Thanks everyone- I understand the safety..guess I don't think about it much because I keep mine a comfortable level so I can hear vehicles approaching (like to be aware even when I am on the opposite side of the road) and/or the occasional loose dog. During races I always look behind before moving out or changing position.…
    in NO MUSIC? Comment by what923 May 2012
  • I think it is sad...when he first started out on Oprah I did find all his info pretty sound researched and helpful but since getting his own show I guess they have run out of 'real' facts to share and have just moved on to fads. He should quit to save his reputation. Another great mind bought and paid for by big business.…
  • Yup, yup and yup! I'm a grump when it comes to speedwork and it always feels so impossible. But my plan called for speed work and tempo runs just once a week and I also took 7 minutes off my PR at my half a couple of weeks ago. Definitely using the same plan to try and PR my 10K and try to hit under 2 hour for a half. You…