

  • Hey there fellow Mf'er got a lot going on sister. That is directly affecting your weightl oss and overall health. Stress is a weight loss killer and a cortisol, hormone enhancer. Consider this: "While the immediate . . . response to acute stress can be a temporary loss of appetite, more and more we are…
  • Your BMI is in the normal weight range. so 1 pound a week might not have to consider inches you will lose with working out, instead of the weight itself. I would do 45 min of cardio, light lifting, and make sure you are stretching etc. You need to take in at least 8 cups of water a day...but you are already…
  • I totaly get your concern. I only lost 1 pound last week and I eating too little, what did I do wrong?? etc. etc. I am a lesser calorie count, but generally keep my calories at 1400 on workout days. The more I diet and lose, the more I realize it is just about balance. Listen to your body....if you are not…
  • To lose weight safely......Take your weight right now. Multiply it by 13....that is how many calories you need to sustain your current weight. To lose 1 pound a week from eating alone you deduct 500 calories from that total. (3500 calories = 1 pound) so example: you weigh 180 pounds : 180 X 13 = 2340 calories a day to lose…
  • lmao....hahahahahaha... I love this.
  • I do the following: Breakfast: Whole grain cereal 1 cup measured and 1/2 cup non fat milk <---only 150 calories ad very filling (high fiber is thr key to feeling full) Lunch: Progresso light soup and a piece of double fiber bread <250 calories and very filling Dinner I keep calories 400 and below, usually it is betwwen 200…
  • It is a bout balance. To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit. Burn more than you are taking in. "That's not to say that strength training isn't important for the overall health of the body. But when it comes to burning the most calories, go for cardiovascular exercise. And vary the intensity, says Quist. "Do…
  • DO NOT ADD EXTRA CALORIES! NOT TRUE! I am a breast feeding advocate, have nursed both my kids. My son I nursed for 20 months and my daughter for 13 months. For the orginal post: your production is not calorie related, it has to do with the suckling needed to queue the body to produce more as your baby grows. That is why…
  • Hey Kiersty.... I hear you love. Relax first of all. Stress is a HUGE factor in gaining weight. It not only affects our patterns, but dictates how our bodies retain food and burns fat. I wanna congradulate you for losing 50+ pounds! Awesome girl! Focus on that. a little friendly advice as well, from a very learned…
  • @ Sidney Thanks for the article! I read the references at the end of the article and the finding are based on marathon runners that over extend their bodies. I am working at a 70% heart rate for cardio and nothing near 20 hours a week. lol. It is a great article, but can probably be taken out of context. Running does not…
  • @ Sunkisses....SO TRUE!!!!!!! well said girl! keep it look great! Shannon ~
  • omg all of you are amammzing!!! supportive! ok to answer a couple questions 1. I consume 1220 calories a day. 2. Have not talked to doctor since most of them mthink that it is all in your head. I am taking myself off the meds carefully though, cause the side effects are a bit nuts if you do not. I am staying…
  • I live in Portland Oregon which is cloudy, raining, and cold most of the year. Tips for winter blues! 1.A good whole food pro biotic vitamin!!! You NEED to take vitamins! 2.Water...alot of it. 3. Stop weighing yourself daily...omg that is not doing anything but reinforcing your self sabatoge. 4. Bake low calorie and high…
  • Hi Lin, I feel you. I love to exercise and hit the gym 4 days a week. I am a runner and used to run long distance. After two kids and a battle with an anxiety disorder my weight is a bit out of control. I also smoked for the past 4 years. So I am now 42 days smoke free, I am running 30 minutes and hiking for 20 4 days a…