

  • Low thyroid affects every part of your body. It's a bad idea to stop seeing your doctor while your dose is being adjusted. Let him/her know you have insurance problems. Ask the lab if they have a discount program. (For instance, Quest will let you get a discount card to get a lower price if you get your blood drawn in…
  • your advice does help, thanks :-)
  • thanks for the comments everyone they have been very helpful. its good to know that someone else understands and i'm going to contact my doctor about just having bloodwork done and seeing if i need an increase and also i will ask about the cost to check if i have any vitamin deficiencies. my iron may be low too, i know…
  • I envy you! you look fantastic!!!!
  • you all make good points and have great tips. it is nice to know everyone is so responsive. thanks for the positive feedback :smile: