
Hi everyone,

my name is Jenna and im new to my fitness pal and i'm hoping it will help me hold myself responsible for the foods i eat because i have to report them. my biggest hurdle is motivation. how do you motivate yourself to do something when you don't want to? i want to be healthy and i like exercise but i don't like it all the time or i wouldnt be here. so when motivation is lacking what do you do?


  • hi :) i'm currently on maintenance and find it very hard not to eat extra and think it "won't count" ;p so feel free to add me!

    motivation wise...i try and come up with new foods and ideas that i'll be interested to try and think of times like Xmas when i want family and friends to see me looking my best

    i try not to use food as a comfort/reward anymore so even if i go out for a meal to celebrate, yes it's a reward, but so is being with my family/friends and having a meal paid for! ;p hope this helps

    ultimately, you have to think: do i really want this? if you do want to be healthy, you'll do your utmost to make that lifestyle change, no matter how long it takes
  • jan115
    jan115 Posts: 21 Member
    You've come to the right place. There are so many people here who will cheer you on. Also, if you can find a friend to join with you, it helps. Find a routine. I find if I exercise in the morning before work, it sets me up for the whole day with increased energy and the desire to watch my calorie intake. Nighttime after dinner is the worst, wanting to fall back to old eating habits in front of the TV. I allow myself one low-cal snack and try to go to be earlier.
  • There isn't any magic trick. Discipline comes in the doing. Some find that being accountable to a friend or relative each week keeps them honest. Some need to hang their goal clothing in plain sight. Some need to put up photos of how they used to look or how they'd like to look. I practice the simple rule: You bite it, you write it. If I eat it, I have to log it.

    A little exercise is better than none. Parking at the far edge of the store parking lot and walking is great. Walking in the mall is too. Take a dog for a walk. Don't have a dog? Offer to walk one of your neighbors' dogs.

    Very few people are going to go to the gym every single time they should during the course of a year. The idea is to keep your butt out of a chair and off the sofa.

    Good luck!
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I agree, this site is fabulous for giving you ideas, seeing the progress other people are making is very inspirational and motivates me to get there too. You will gain alot of support and people willing to help keep you motivated.

    BUT...the motivation really has to come from inside you. You have to be ready and committed to make this change and do the work necessary to get the results you want. Have you ever heard the phrase you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink?? well....that is pretty much it in a nutshell. Everyone can root you on, give you kudos for making good choices, or exercising that day, but if you don't have some self motivation to charge toward your goal, it will not happen.

    How bad do you want it??
  • you all make good points and have great tips. it is nice to know everyone is so responsive. thanks for the positive feedback :smile:
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I agree with what everyone else is saying, you have to find what motivates you.

    But there are little tricks you can use, for instance I started journaling along with logging my calorie intake- it gives me a way to purge my feelings about food, any guilt I may be feeling, or my happiness when I have a great day.

    I also try to watch out for my HALT signals (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) these are what will make you make bad choices 9 times out of 10. I also remember a friend's mom when I was growing up used to say "You're hungry, eat an apple. Not hungry for an apple, then you're not hungry!" That helps me distinguish between when my body needs nutrition and when I just feel like a snack.

    Watch the show Cook Yourself Thin on Lifetime, you can watch it online. Their recipes are great- easy, delicious, low-cal, healthy.

    Holding yourself accountable by logging calories is a great start. Make sure to log even if you have a bad day, especially if you have a bad day. The act of looking at the huge number of calories will make you realize it isn't worth it next time. Sometimes I would eat things without knowing the nutritional content and after logging I would discover that that particular food wasn't worth it. Like baked goods from Starbucks!

    But as someone who has been on diet after diet and fluctuates weight all the time, my biggest concern this time around is not driving myself crazy, not depriving myself, and realizing that I am human. I will hold myself accountable but I will not let a slip-up make me feel worthless. You just have to pick yourself up and start fresh every day. Moderation is key!

    Good luck, feel free to friend me if you like :)