

  • Welcome to MFP this place is amazing! I'm addicted like its facebook. I too used to be shy however i've just started throwing my thoughts out there and everyone has been so nice. My friend just joined too you should befriend her, her name id jbaby
  • eat yogurt is good for you and it will kepp you full. I dont really crave yogurt but when i eat it i find myself saying' yum this is soooo good" make a parfait yougurt,granola and berries
  • I agree with most of your replys saying you might not be eating as much as you need to. So you need to start eating more. However, it doesn't need to be too much. its as simple as 200 calories a day...just make them relly healthy calories like yogurt, peaches or apples. But if you know your eating enough it might mean its…