Too big for a plateau



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Mel: 3 words...Can Not Wait! Thanks so much girl!

    Lefty your right....I do struggle with my veggies...No denying that. Working on it for sure!

    Only you can make you take this serious. 2 weeks since your last priece of fruit. Why no diary intries on the weekend? Is your diet only a part time thing?

    You will struggle till you get real with you. Your habits are why people yo yo and fail. This is not rocket science. Eat healthy, eat balaced and excersize. When you go to Wendy's for a snack or lunch you already failed. When those 200-300 calories make up 1/3 of your daily intake, really not good.

    You may be losing weight, or were, but you are far from gettig healthy.

    How bad do you what to be thin? Get real with yourself. And plan it out. Everyday.

    "if you fail to plan you plan to fail"
    OUCH! 2nd post and this harsh? :noway: wow, guess this might be why I hesitate to ask questions on the board!:huh:
  • anaruhl
    anaruhl Posts: 3
    I agree with most of your replys saying you might not be eating as much as you need to. So you need to start eating more. However, it doesn't need to be too much. its as simple as 200 calories a day...just make them relly healthy calories like yogurt, peaches or apples. But if you know your eating enough it might mean its time to really change it up in the gym. For me to really see results i'd change up my gym routine every two weeks.
    Keep up all your good work
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Um lefty pump ur brakes friend. Your a bit too aggressive for my liking. I appreciate your feed back but mind your manners. I do what I do and it is doing just fine. I asked for suggestions and I got them. Now step.

    Best Wishes in all you do.
    What a very polite response:flowerforyou: Not sure I could have been as kind.
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    Sorry double post
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    Sorry double post
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    Um lefty pump ur brakes friend. Your a bit too aggressive for my liking. I appreciate your feed back but mind your manners. I do what I do and it is doing just fine. I asked for suggestions and I got them. Now step.

    Best Wishes in all you do.

    keep lying to yourself. You don't even log you weekend food in your diary. If you are eating so little during the week makes you wonder how you must binge on the weekends. You tell us you are under a doctors orders to eat 500-1000 calories. Which if true you need a new DR.

    You have not eaten FRUIT in 2+ weeks. You have had Wendys 4+ times. These are facts. I ain't here to be your friend. I am telling you to hold yourself accontable.

    There are reasons people fail at weight loss. And you are doing many of those things. I would love for you to hate me and you are thin. But you won't get there straving yourself.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Um lefty pump ur brakes friend. Your a bit too aggressive for my liking. I appreciate your feed back but mind your manners. I do what I do and it is doing just fine. I asked for suggestions and I got them. Now step.

    Best Wishes in all you do.

    keep lying to yourself. You don't even log you weekend food in your diary. If you are eating so little during the week makes you wonder how you must binge on the weekends. You tell us you are under a doctors orders to eat 500-1000 calories. Which if true you need a new DR.

    You have not eaten FRUIT in 2+ weeks. You have had Wendys 4+ times. These are facts. I ain't here to be your friend. I am telling you to hold yourself accontable.

    There are reasons people fail at weight loss. And you are doing many of those things. I would love for you to hate me and you are thin. But you won't get there straving yourself.

    Lefty ... I think you'll find that there are enough people already speaking out about your harsh comments to Mandi.

    Weight loss is not easy to get started and Mandi is trying.

    Take a step down now and get off her back.

    She has asked for advice by posting.

    There is no need to be so nasty.

    This is a place for SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT and HELP and HONESTY.
    Not nasty insulting comments that do not actually spell out facts.

    If you actually wanted to help you could have been more CONSTRUCTIVE and less INSULTING.

    We all make bad choices sometimes and it takes a long time to readjust our taste buds to healthy foods if you have been brought up on anything but. Your blaming Mandi but there could be a hundred different reasons for her eating this way.

    I think people should consider very carefully before posting in these topics as you ARE speaking to a REAL PERSON with feelings much the same as yourself. No one likes to be barked at :grumble:

    I so often see people post and they are trying to show off and put people down.
    This should not be allowed.

    We are here to help each other nothing more nothing less. :smile:
    If you can't be nice then be quiet xxx

    Mandi your doing great sweetie. :flowerforyou:
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    Um lefty pump ur brakes friend. Your a bit too aggressive for my liking. I appreciate your feed back but mind your manners. I do what I do and it is doing just fine. I asked for suggestions and I got them. Now step.

    Best Wishes in all you do.

    keep lying to yourself. You don't even log you weekend food in your diary. If you are eating so little during the week makes you wonder how you must binge on the weekends. You tell us you are under a doctors orders to eat 500-1000 calories. Which if true you need a new DR.

    You have not eaten FRUIT in 2+ weeks. You have had Wendys 4+ times. These are facts. I ain't here to be your friend. I am telling you to hold yourself accontable.

    There are reasons people fail at weight loss. And you are doing many of those things. I would love for you to hate me and you are thin. But you won't get there straving yourself.

    Lefty ... I think you'll find that there are enough people already speaking out about your harsh comments to Mandi.

    Weight loss is not easy to get started and Mandi is trying.

    Take a step down now and get off her back.

    She has asked for advice by posting.

    There is no need to be so nasty.

    This is a place for SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT and HELP and HONESTY.
    Not nasty insulting comments that do not actually spell out facts.

    If you actually wanted to help you could have been more CONSTRUCTIVE and less INSULTING.

    We all make bad choices sometimes and it takes a long time to readjust our taste buds to healthy foods if you have been brought up on anything but. Your blaming Mandi but there could be a hundred different reasons for her eating this way.

    I think people should consider very carefully before posting in these topics as you ARE speaking to a REAL PERSON with feelings much the same as yourself. No one likes to be barked at :grumble:

    I so often see people post and they are trying to show off and put people down.
    This should not be allowed.

    We are here to help each other nothing more nothing less. :smile:
    If you can't be nice then be quiet xxx

    Mandi your doing great sweetie. :flowerforyou:
    Lol. If me pointing out the facts are too much that is sad. I wouldn't want some one to spare my feelings by pointing out something as simple as failure to eat fruit or log weekend food.

    I see alot of enablers lol. That's not support. The minute she says she is under DR orders or eat wendys chili 3-4 times a week as a meal and no fruit some one has to call bs.

    And please show me where I am showing off. Reading her food diary was shocking. Have you looked at it? I feel bad for her.
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    I also love how she now has a hidden diary. Like I said, this is up to her. She is not being honest with herself. I hope she works to change her diet and take this more serious.
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member're not being supportive or helpful in any way. You're being rude and disrespectful. You just like to hear yourself talk... Time to back off dude. Some people like being spoken to that way, apparently Mandi does not (not does anybody else that have read your posts). So I think it's time you find another thread to show your "tough love"...
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71're not being supportive or helpful in any way. You're being rude and disrespectful. You just like to hear yourself talk... Time to back off dude. Some people like being spoken to that way, apparently Mandi does not (not does anybody else that have read your posts). So I think it's time you find another thread to show your "tough love"...

    If I called her lazy or a slob that would be disrespetcful. I told her to take a hard look at her diet and dedication to her diary. Telling some one to eat some fruit is being very supportive.

    She is lying to herself. She does not update her diary on weekends and admits to eating like
    crazy on those weekends. She needs to get real with herself.
  • ChristianGal
    ChristianGal Posts: 14 Member
    Mandy, all I can think of is increase activity and water intake and make sure you are getting lots of whole foods like whole grains fruit and veggies etc. Hope this helps :)
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    When you go to Wendy's for a snack or lunch you already failed.

    Bogus. I have eaten at Wendy's a few times since my lifestyle change and have been able to make very sound choices with their menu. Education is key, moderation is key, deprivation is not.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm gonna be in the minority here and probably not make any friends...BUT...although i dont agree with the "tone" of lefty's comments, i do agree with the intent of them....

    in order to be successful in this journey - which we are all aiming to be i assume or we wouldnt be here - we need to CHANGE the way we live our lives for the better, not for the short term to get the weight off....we need to make better choices all around: move our *kitten* (exercise); eat balanced meals - follow a food plan, whatever it is, no carbs, no meat, no sugar, balanced meals; hydrate....whatever changes we make should be for life....not for the now...all that have yoyo'd up and down throughout our lives have done so because we havent made changes we can live with...

    the first step to eating right is making good choices and tracking what we eat...if we dont track consistently we lose sight of what we are putting in our is imperative to track your intake and output every day....that is the first most important commitment in this journey in my opinion.....if you dont know what YOU are eating (forget making your diary public) you can't know what combinations work for you...if mandy's dr has her on a specific plan that is her choice, but it needs to be followed for success...yes we all have slip ups, setbacks, falls off the wagon, BUT you cant expect loss if you are not doing the "WORK"

    the problem is have to have the knowledge to make the change permanent and you can't be knowledgeable if you dont have the information...get tracking your foods, whatever they are, every single day...every single bite you take must be entered in your diary....FOR YOU to learn....

    this is a constant learning process...once you get "THIN" the work is not going to stop....this is going to be something that has to change for life!!!!!!!

    you are doing a good job, you just need to tweak your program to make it work for the long haul...i agree with many others who have posted - take the comments that help you and move from there...let the stuff that you dont like or agree with go...but in the end this is about your real to yourself and you will be successful...
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Hey, girl! :flowerforyou: I don't think anyone has posted this yet but PLEEEEEZZZZZEEE read the following links:


    I really hope this helps. I was going about things in the wrong way until I saw these links. I wish you the best of luck!
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    When you go to Wendy's for a snack or lunch you already failed.

    Bogus. I have eaten at Wendy's a few times since my lifestyle change and have been able to make very sound choices with their menu. Education is key, moderation is key, deprivation is not.

    For the last 2 weeks of her diary she would eat 300+ calories at Wendys 3 times a week. She is only eating 500-700 calories this days. Some days that she has over 600 calories they include 200+ of ice cream or dorittos.

    She has had zero fruits and vegetables in those 2 weeks. She also has no entries for the weekends.

    I stand by what I said. A wendys chili for lunch or dinner 3 times a week is failing. Especialy when there are no fresh fruits or veggies any where. Not to mention the 500-800 a day calories diet.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    When you go to Wendy's for a snack or lunch you already failed.

    Bogus. I have eaten at Wendy's a few times since my lifestyle change and have been able to make very sound choices with their menu. Education is key, moderation is key, deprivation is not.

    I stand by what I said. A wendys chili for lunch or dinner 3 times a week is failing. Especialy when there are no fresh fruits or veggies any where. Not to mention the 500-800 a day calories diet.

    Ah but you see, you didn't say that originally. You said just going to Wendy's for a snack or lunch then you've already failed. You are wrong. She can go to Wendy's but she needs to make a healthier choice when she goes and not go so often unless absolutely necessary. Half of a small chili and a mandarin chicken salad with dressing on the side is a great option occasionally. It's not so cut and dry for everyone like you made it seem and that is probably why people are jumping your case left and right.

    I do agree with you she needs a wider variety of fruits and veggies.

    To the OP: Have you printed your food diary and shown it to your dietician and dr? What do they think about your lack of vitamin rich veggies/fruits and caloric intake? It's just like forcing yourself to exercise, sometime you have to force yourself to eat some things you don't like or you'll never develop a taste for them. Have you thought of maybe including v8 or a superfood juice with veggies/fruit combo in it into your diet? Talk to your dietician about this option and they may be all for it! GOOD LUCK and STICK WITH IT!
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    When you go to Wendy's for a snack or lunch you already failed.

    Bogus. I have eaten at Wendy's a few times since my lifestyle change and have been able to make very sound choices with their menu. Education is key, moderation is key, deprivation is not.

    I stand by what I said. A wendys chili for lunch or dinner 3 times a week is failing. Especialy when there are no fresh fruits or veggies any where. Not to mention the 500-800 a day calories diet.

    Ah but you see, you didn't say that originally. You said just going to Wendy's for a snack or lunch then you've already failed. You are wrong. She can go to Wendy's but she needs to make a healthier choice when she goes and not go so often unless absolutely necessary. Half of a small chili and a mandarin chicken salad with dressing on the side is a great option occasionally. It's not so cut and dry for everyone like you made it seem and that is probably why people are jumping your case left and right.

    I do agree with you she needs a wider variety of fruits and veggies.

    To the OP: Have you printed your food diary and shown it to your dietician and dr? What do they think about your lack of vitamin rich veggies/fruits and caloric intake? It's just like forcing yourself to exercise, sometime you have to force yourself to eat some things you don't like or you'll never develop a taste for them. Have you thought of maybe including v8 or a superfood juice with veggies/fruit combo in it into your diet? Talk to your dietician about this option and they may be all for it! GOOD LUCK and STICK WITH IT!
    I was talking to the op who knows how much wendys she is eating. Also her diary was public at the time. So you can see it appears to no longer be. Next I am not that concerned what others think. I was telling the op how I felt based on her diary. Things I hope some one tells me if I am making mistakes.

    I am not trying to put the poor girl down. Her diary shocked me. I feel bad for her. She must be in hell and hungry all the time. Wish she did not hide her diary so you can see what had me shocked.
  • Shaboopy
    Shaboopy Posts: 7
    Woah!!!!! Is this how we treat people...we gang up on them! Some of you people are acting like the diet police and yet I don't see your faces on the cover of not one fitness magazine or the poster child for weightloss and health!!

    Watch the advice you give because sometimes you can be doing someone more harm than good (selfesteem wise). There is no point on feedback if you come off tearing someone down. It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it. Forget your so called diet bout YOU dear weight loss police take a lesson in humility and tact! What's the use of looking good and feeling bad!? Health is supposed to be wholistic (mind, body, and spirit).

    Mandy, do you girl! The best knowledge is the one's you research for yourself!
  • Lord have mercy....

    Please just stop. From my heart....I am begging you. I can not stop myself from checking the thread and it is almost too much. I have stated. I appreciate your it is just that. There is no need to continue....I get your position.

    I am not starving...had you read my profile as well as you did my diary you would know Im on medication. I have spoken with my doctor as of this morning and addressed all items EVERYONE has mentioned. I am a work in progress. Not yet complete.

    My lack of weekend journaling is due to my being in a rural area when I go home on the weekends to help with my Father, who is quite ill.

    How quick you are to throw stones....Shame on you sir. Shame on you.

    And I did make my diary available to all my friends....friends who do express thier concerns in regards to my diet. Friends who I have learned from and will continue to learn from. You sir have helped me NOT ONE BIT.

    Your gorilla tactics are not for me.
This discussion has been closed.