chocolate_moose Member


  • If you want to gain muscle you have to build muscle by lifting weights. As for food, you also want to make sure you're eating enough protein. Whey protein is made from dairy, you want a vegan protein. Consider talking to a personal trainer for weight training and a dietitian for healthy vegan/vegetarian food options.
  • "I want to stop counting calories and eat what I like" You can try to stop counting calories, but I can pretty much guarantee that if you start "eating what you like" you're going to start gaining weight. Unless of course you have a fantastic metabolism that burns everything off, but chances are, that will only last so…
  • Maybe you're eating more than you think. Start weighing and measuring your food and see if that makes a difference.
  • Nutritionally speaking, it doesn't make a difference, but organic fruits and veggies are not sprayed with chemicals. So it's really a personal choice. Just wash your fruits and veggies really well.
  • My thyroid issues started well before I started eating tofu. Unless you're buying local, grass fed, non medicated meat and chicken, the meat you're eating isn't any better for you. Most of the food we get these days isn't the same as what we had growing up. Even the grains are frankengrains.