Dangers of Soy?



  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    There is no clear answer on this topic. There is research that shows its safe to consume, thee is research that shows its ok to consume in moderation, and then more research that shows you should never consume it. Everyone is going to have a different experience/perspective on it.

    For our family personally, it is used in cereal and nothing else. Our pediatrician told us that no one, especially children should ever drink soy milk, but because its hard to digest, not because of the other issues attached to it. But then on the other side of things our regular family doctor says its fine and that my son should be on it over rice milk.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've heard that soy can promote breast cancer by increasing your estrogen levels. Not sure how true that is...
  • chocolate_moose
    chocolate_moose Posts: 12 Member
    My thyroid issues started well before I started eating tofu. Unless you're buying local, grass fed, non medicated meat and chicken, the meat you're eating isn't any better for you. Most of the food we get these days isn't the same as what we had growing up. Even the grains are frankengrains.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I am not sure what to think about the soy controversy, but am using coconut milk as much as possible instead of regular milk now. It tastes really good and as far as I know, there is no controversy about it being unsafe