

  • I went to the doctor yesterday and discovered that I have gained five pounds from the last time I weighed myself. I realize that this is probably from the weight training that I've been doing, but my ED is still like "It's five pounds. I don't care. You're a failure." And the doctors were trying to tell me that I'm…
  • My boyfriend has anxiety, as does one of my friends,and my brother has OCD. (I also have OCD tendencies, though not the full blown thing.) I'm sure that if you keep at it, you'll get to where you want to be. :]
  • Wow, I never knew that so many people were going through this, too. <3 It's incredible to have so much support, and I wish the same for all of you! I, too, have been diagnosed with EDNOS, and the most terrifying part is trying to change my thought patterns, as my psychologist is trying to do. It's been so long since I've…
  • I've never really had any good things to say about my body, and have always turned to restriction to cope with things, you know? And after one incident it just sort of...Exploded. The lowest I've ever had my intake wassss I think 600-800, and I would exercise a lot of that off. I've been steadily pushing up my calorie…
  • I'm no doctor, but can speak from personal experience. In order to get off of a plateua, you need to up your calorie intake a little bit. Get your metabolism going again. If you feel tired like that, then you aren't getting enough to eat, and therefore probably not enough nutrition. (I'm currently recovering from EDNOS,…
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