

  • I have been fighting with PCOS for many years now and I think that I am finally on the right track. It's hard but it can be done. Because PCOS usually runs hand and hand with insulin resistance, I was also diagnosed with NASH, (a genetic liver disease) so I have to take into account that even though it might be good for…
  • You can totally count me in. I am knew to this so not sure how it all works but I would love to have people with the same goals work together. I am aiming for 75# down. I have already started at 17.2 lbs
  • That's awesome. I can't wait to have the same feeling. Keep up the good work.
  • I just started this a few weeks ago also. I try not to get into those "earned calories" My Dr. put me on 1200 calories daily with at least 30 minutes of exercise daily and she never really said one way or the other. I will have to ask her next apt. If you find out anything different, please share.