Paula46151 Member


  • Several years ago I joined WW and lost weight, but then they switched up the points metrics and I didn't lose. I noticed that there were no points for banana's (my favorite fruit) but they are like 140 calories. I would LOVE to join WW again, but I'm afraid I won't lose the weight with the new points system. Any advice?
  • Great idea about a small library of work out videos. That way I can do whichever one I'm in the mood for, or whatever I have time for. As long as I get some sort of work out in, right? My husband and I have both put on a lot of weight over the past year and we really need to get with a lifestyle change and stick to it. He…
  • Well, they don't really hurt when they crack, but like if I go dancing, the next morning they are swollen like crazy and painful.