SergeantSklar Member


  • On to Recovery Week- woohoo! Although I am intimidated about starting the second half of the program next week. Thoughts or advice from anybody?
  • Don't be down on yourself, if only we all had the luxury of a life without demands be it work, family, etc! I take on a day-by-day basis too. Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. At least we're trying!
  • It's hard but the more you do it, the more manageable it gets. Just a tip- You go through three complete sets of exercises during the warm-up, which is then followed by a water break and a decent period of stretching (5-10 minutes). I think the fit test only goes through one set of the warm-up exercises so mentally I…
  • What has helped me is to count during the individual exercises. Each one lasts around 30-45 seconds, so I slowly count up to thirty and it takes my mind off the feeling that it's never going to end!
  • My sister and I started Insanity last week and are now working into week 2. I must say I'm feeling more energized as I'm hitting some of the workouts for the 2nd time. Tonight it's Pure Cardio again. I was a sweat ball after that one last week!