

  • So, should I eat more or less? My TDEE is around 1650 based on exercise 3-4 times a week. I burn around 600 calories according to my Polar in each workout
  • I did try eating 1250-1350 calories for about a month and this did not work either, I pretty much stayed the same.
  • I want to lose body fat and weight, so I guess that means a bit of muscle too, but want to look lean and toned (don't we all:smile: ). When I was at 108lbs I felt like I was flabby and not toned so I upped my weights but this has just made me bigger and not toned as the fat is still on top. As I put on muscle easily I have…
  • Yes I gain muscle easily. According to calorie calculators I should be eating around 1400-1500 to lose weight based on my activity level so won't eating more make me gain more muscle and fat? I have also tried eating at 1200 calories but that just leaves me feeling hungry whilst eating more than 1500-1600 leaves me…
  • Yes I measure everything and generally plan out each meal so my macros are equal.
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