maycontainjane Member


  • Hey everyone, thanks a ton for your replies. I'll do my best to take everything you said to heart! First step will be trying to eat more healthful foods/watching sodium and fat intake and the HRM is a great idea, I'll probably ask for one for my birthday. Thanks again!
  • 200% feel you. I love love love my best friend but I'm often jealous of her. She has a close-to-perfect body that, if she ate just a little healthier and worked out on the level that I do, would be model-esque. On the other hand, I'm all wide and thunder-thigh-y despite (mostly) watching what I eat and working out hard 6-7…
  • I haven't beaten binge eating by any means but a few things have helped me. -staying out of the kitchen in any way possible when it isn't a meal time. I used to hang out near the kitchen (eg in the TV room next to it) but that almost always leads to me eating so now I just watch TV downstairs or in my room and stay off the…
  • About to start my second year of working towards my BS in Computer Engineering with a minor in math. I originally thought I'd be an English major since I'm typically more the artsy-fartsy type. Of course, programming is an art all its own. Good to see other computer nerds getting fit here! Most of the ones I know just play…
  • Hey! Newish college student (sophomore year coming up, can't wait!) and veteran logger checking in. Just getting back into the game, always looking for new friends here c: Feel free to add
  • Fresh-faced 19 year old here! Always ready to share the love, add me if you want. We're the lucky ones on MFP, I think, because we're building good habits from the get-go rather than having to learn them in our 30s!
  • Hey, I'm a college kid too :) I like fruit a lot, especially bananas. You can nick them from the dining hall in the morning and have them throughout the day. Nice and portable. Yogurt is good too. You can take that with you if it's the single-serving stuff and it's pretty filling, especially greek yogurt which is high in…
  • I'm obsessed with cereal. It's relatively low-cal and there's a million varieties and the majority taste great! The only problem is it causes me to overload on carbs. Lately I just don't care, though. Can't let go of my Kix with almond milk <3
  • Yo, also 18, also a senior, also hoping to be healthy for college. Feel free to add, talk to me, whatever breh.
  • Oh hi I'm glad there are more Minnesnowtans. The weather really kills my motivation to run (I miss running outside, waah) but today was a good day! Just stick to your guns and listen to upbeat music. Also, eat peanut butter. That stuff charged me up for today's treadmill-a-thon. We can do it! We may have three to four…
  • Dats me. Around 160 in the first, down to 139 in the second. Just 19 lbs left! Hopefully MFP can help me drop them. <3
  • I strongly believe that hunger is in your head a lot more than you think. That being said, it really messes with your eating habits. School's tough to work around, but I found a plan that sort of works for me. Five meals a day, spaced pretty evenly. Looks something like: Breakfast, 275 cal (6:30 AM) Lunch 1, 250 cal (I…
  • Not at all! With age comes wisdom. You've got four years of wisdom on me! I highly appreciate the Scott Pilgrim avatar <3
  • Usually trying/failing, but sometimes I eat at or under 1200, but it's from no-good-very-bad food.
  • When I did well I ate mostly fruits and veggies with some carby/protein-y foods to round out the calorie total. I didn't really treat myself, I found that I was satisfied with the clean food. Lately that's not the case... Also my calorie intake hasn't changed since then, it's always been at 1200. Also, thanks for the…