

  • Awesome! So nice to see someone who has been at it for awhile with so much success.
  • What's the point in a HRM that has no chest strap? It's only as accurate as the amount of time you spend placing your fingers on it to pick your heart rate up. You can get a great Timex Ironman for $60 on amazon.
  • I have done carb cycling. It takes some getting used to, but it was a great way for me to learn to adjust my diet. High Carb days felt like I was cheating. Your weight during the week will yo-yo like crazy but I did lose higher amounts each week on this diet. It was recommended to me by my personal trainer. He had read a…
  • Read this post, even if you don't workout you should be eating at your BMR at least.
  • If you are following a low carb diet, I think 100g is right on. Just make sure that you watch your net carbs. Make sure you are getting carbs high in fiber.
  • This is fairly accurate - best advice you've been given. If you used to poop everyday and now it has been 3 days that is not normal for YOUR body. Magnesium supplements are a great way to lower stress levels and regulate you. I suggest checking out a nutrition store and getting something called "Natural Calm"…
  • If you are asking if you can eat less than 1200 a day because you burn 1200 in exercise. I would suggest against. MFP always shows you that if you eat less than 1200 you are not getting enough calories. Your body would go into starvation mode causing your metabolism to slow. You should be eating at least 1200. If you are…