Carb cycling

I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but has anyone ever tried Carb cycling before? I'm thinking about it, but was looking for a little more information about it. I've been doing some research and it looks totally doable. Any insight you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


  • katcain1
    katcain1 Posts: 21
    I hope you get some responses because I am interested in this as well.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member

    I used the following:
    Sun - Low
    Mon - No
    Tue - Low
    Wed - High
    Thu - No
    Sat - High

    I followed that regime for a couple of months back in 2006. It was coupled with 4xweight training (heavy weight, 6-8 rep range) and 20 mins high intensity cardio 4 days a week. Checking back on my measurements from that time it worked well but was no more effective that maintaining a moderate carb intake 6 days a week and taking a day off dieting altogether.

    The moderate carb routine I prefer since I find it easier thru having no extemes to contend with.

    I'm not actually convinced that carb levels make a difference so long as your calorie intake is where it needs to be, but I like this routine, I can stick to it and it consistently yields results. For some reason I find when I eat higher carbs I seem to crave more food and struggle to stick with it. I've never heard anyone else say that so it's probably just me.
  • kerilong
    kerilong Posts: 9
    I have done carb cycling. It takes some getting used to, but it was a great way for me to learn to adjust my diet. High Carb days felt like I was cheating. Your weight during the week will yo-yo like crazy but I did lose higher amounts each week on this diet.

    It was recommended to me by my personal trainer. He had read a book about it, and told me I should give it a try.

    My week was: Mon- low, Tues-low, Wed-high, Thurs-low, Fri-low, Sat-high(1 cheat meal). Sun-low. There are differnet "cycles."