45 - and working out 18 hours a week - may look " old" but I sure feel young.
100% casein powder - chocolate flavor - makes a thick rich creamy " mocha latte" with 24g of protein in 160 calories - great start to the day !
not a new mom 4 are teens and 20's - but sure as rain the last 10 are hard - and the last 5 brutal. Hang in there - and dont beat yourself up.
Hang in there ! The man on top of the mountain didnt fall there - he fell many times on the way , he just kept getting back up.... Ive lost 160 - but its been an 8 year journey.. Ive been stuck 12 lbs from the finish line for a year... keep working at it - every ounce adds up !
I was getting dizzy and lightheaded and found out via the doctor that I wasnt getting enough salt, added some sodium to my diet and the problem cleared up. Have you maybe cut your food or your sodium back too far ?