Cladf Member


  • Thanks Tiggsnanny- although yeah, I could do without the mud in an ideal world :D PrincessMissD - mainly just needing to get my stamina up! Just bought a FitBit so going to try to slowly increase how many miles I'm walking daily so that I don't end up passing out from sheer exhaustion next year! Thinking it just gives me a…
  • I'm quite close to you both, too :) Age - 28 Height - 5' HW: 194 CW: 184 GW: 131
  • Kaykay - I think we might be close to being weight loss twins... :) Age - 28 Height - 5' HW: 194 CW: 184 GW: 131
  • I use the Fitocracy app - I'm just new to working out and my OH and my best mate both use it, so it's good for us to drum up a bit of friendly competition with each other as it allocates points per workout. Lets me track my workout, with reps and weight for each set and then lets me repeat that workout time and time again…
  • Eyes - very lovely eyes :)
  • This is the one thing I found REALLY hard to get my head around, as I'd unwittingly been eating way too low for a really long time. I've upped my calories and finding that I now lose weight steadily and I have much more energy. Definitely with all the above posters - eat more, log everything in your diary and you'll notice…
  • Thanks everyone, good to know that it's fine to keep going as I am :) didn't fancy having to force myself into munching a breakfast in the morning!
  • I'm from Glasgow - also happy to be added :)
  • I'm now in the 1500ish category after thinking I should be way down at 1300 (I'm short) but turns out I've actually been eating way less than my body needs. The 1500 amount is a wee struggle for me purely because I'm used to limiting my meals after years of yo-yo dieting but I find I can still eat good meals, and I'm…
  • Thank you everyone for the great replies - I'm gonna go without the detox and just get fully into the logging EVERYTHING I eat and drink :) appreciate you taking the time out to respond :)
  • I'm loving all the replies on this - thanks guys! Glad I seem to be doing something a bit different from the norm anyway... (and I am digging all the gif's!) :)
  • Thanks - it's amazing how much conflicting advice there is when I google these things but it's great to get meaningful advice from people on here :) Definitely not going to bother with the detox, just going to go with religiously logging all food and drink and trust in the system :)
  • Thank you :) I've been reading through these forums for a wee while and I'm learning so much as I go but I definitely bow down to everyone here who knows better than me... :) Also - LOVE the high-five gif :D
  • Thanks everyone for the really quick replies :) And graceisjinxed - thanks! :) I'm so new to this that I know about 0% of the right things to do so just happy to be getting advice from folks who are in the know :) I'll check out those links just now... also, what does "QFT" mean?
  • Thanks! This is why I thought this place would be the best place to ask :)
  • I was feeling pretty downhearted but turns out I've lost the equivalent of an average human's head! Wow! :D