Alisa_d7 Member


  • I'm 12(34)G and I swear by my Berlei Ultimate Performance sports bra ( It just sticks everything to your chest and it's amazing. I've never been able to run or jump before buying this. The sizes do only go up to 18(40)E, but I have the 12(34)E and I…
  • ^^^haha, awesome
    in Weights Comment by Alisa_d7 July 2013
  • Hi, I was just wondering, after just 3 months of having it in, how long did it take for you to feel normal after you had it out?
  • Been great reading about all these experiences. I wouldn't say I hate Mirena as I loved it for being my security blanket, but since I got it in 6 months ago, I started experiencing comodonal acne (have always had great skin), mood swings, severe cramping before my period, and hair thinning (well, I HOPE that's from mirena,…
  • There's a 'weight training' option if you select 'cardiovascular exercise'. But like all the other automatic calorie calculations, it's hard to give an accurate guess on anyone's individual calorie burn. So if you don't have a heart rate monitor to do it for you, what I do is calculate an average of 10 cals burnt per…