189cm - a squidge under 6'3" started at about 25% body fat, 92kg, 202lb now about 19.5% body fat, 83.5kg, 183lb so it's time to lose the last few kg of fat and put on another 5-10kg of muscle to get to about 14-15% body fat
Good plan. Let us know what you get and how it goes. I've read the calipers take a bit of training and experience to use properly/accurately but I'm thinking of getting some too.
Yep, it sure sounds like it doesn't it. Do they do measurements at your gym?
Hi Snookumss, I've looked at those numbers and yes, although they are measured using an inaccurate method, they do show some reasonable numbers that tell a story of good progress. you said you started at 200lbs, 40% fat which is 80lbs and are now at 182lbs, 38% fat, which is now 69lbs you have lost 18lbs of weight and lost…
My scales are Salter brand, model 9102. Like all that use electrical impedance to 'measure' body composition, they are not really accurate, but are consistently inaccurate within a reasonable range, which means that while I don't trust the actual values they tell me, I can trust that the downward trend they show on body…