

  • Practice in secret when your boyfriend isn't around :wink: I was very nervous of playing in front of people at first, but after +10 hours of practise on the easiest level you start to get a hang of how to read the arrows without even thinking about it, and after that the progress is really fast! I'm even a bit of a show…
  • I love it! It is SO addictive too. I often find myself dancing for over three hours regardless of my legs screaming for mercy. Just one more song! I usually use it at least three times a week, even more when my working schedule allows it. By far the most effective way to make me sweat that I've come across this far, simply…
  • And one obvious piece of advise would be to really concentrate on your water intake and also getting all the vitamins and fatty acids your skin needs. The healthier it is, the better it rejuvenates and repairs itself! I'd also go with the lotions, even regular one's if no tightening miracle salves are at hand.
  • I've been eyeing Wii Fit recently, but I won't get it unless I'll find a second job alongside my current one. Purchases like these don't really work with attempts at saving money :P I DO however play Dance Dance Revolution on PS2 and let me tell you, it really works your legs! The first days after I started playing my legs…
    in Wii Fit Comment by kalla January 2009
  • I try to first figure out exactly what it is I'm craving. If I crave pasta, I actually crave carbs, if I crave pizza, it's probably fat and salt, if it's cookies or chocolate, it's sugar and if it's something random like oat meal or rice, it's probably just energy. This way I'll be able to sort of lower the damages so to…
  • I seem to be in the minority here, since I usually go by eyesight. Mind you, I'm pretty good at estimating amounts, especially if I know how much kcals are in a litre, desilitre, tbls and a tsp. I'm not as good at estimating grams, so with them I usually just compare the amount of my serving to the overall amount in the…
  • I have my "official" weigh-in once a week, on Sunday, and that's when I write my weight down too, for later perusal. But I usually weigh myself more frequently, sometimes every other day, sometimes even daily. And then some weeks I don't weigh myself at all. It varies a lot, really.
  • My opinion lies somewhere inbetween wannaBme's and songbyrdsweet's. As a diet book, it's not advisable. At least not if you don't have any previous knowledge of the subject. But as an ethical piece promoting veganism? It's pretty effective. For me, what it did was make me more conscious about buying organic foods when…
  • Thank you all for the kind welcome! And good luck to you too in reaching your goals :)
  • Hello! :D I'm Kalla, 22 years old (almost, my B-day is on the 19th ;)) and I've decided to finally get rid of those pesky little pounds I gained after moving out of my parents' home. There are quite a few of them, although I wouldn't say I'm overweight. Just slightly on the chubby side. So, no weight-loss for health…