

  • Hi, I'm James... 30 yr old yo yo and extreme dieter.. put on a couple of stone in the last year and everytime I get near losing it, something happens to make me lose my motivation and put it back on... Anyway, so this is my second day on here.. doing ok so far. I'm Bristol and would like to make some friends to help with…
  • Running is amazing! One of the best ways to burn fat as well being a damn good stress buster! I don't know where u r at with your weight loss but if you have a bit to lose (like I do) interval training is the best way to burn fat whatever exercise you are doing. So start out at a moderate pace then sprint for a minute then…
  • Hey, I can't remember the name of the study or any specifics (sorry!), but I know there has been recent research to suggest that even diet drinks can hinder weight loss. They monitored a group of people on diets who drank diet drinks and another group on diets who didn't and the people who drank seemed to gain weight.