kandilynn03 Member


  • sent a request.
  • I've been thinking about doing the workout barefoot as well. I always kick my shoes off during the stretching anyway. And I can do more full push ups in bare feet than I can in shoes. I did Zumba on the Kinect today barefoot and it seemed easier since the tread on my shoes didn't catch on the carpet.
  • Have you done your measurements? For me, sometimes when the scale isn't going down, the measuring tape is.
  • I don't have anything to add, I just wanted to commiserate. It seems if I try to eat good, healthy, whole foods, I can't get nearly enough calories in a day. If I go out and just get junk sometimes I don't hit my target and sometimes I go way over. If I exercise more, it gives me more calories to eat, but exercising curbs…
  • I have 150-160 lbs to lose. I log in every day, and I would like to have more friends, too.
  • Even if you don't start dieting until January it couldn't hurt to start tracking your food daily before then. It would give you a good idea of where you can make adjustments in your daily diet to do better. I like to walk outside, it's too cold now, so I'm switching to using Zumba or Dance Central on my Xbox Kinect. I've…
  • I was aiming at 117 because I like the number 7, but then I decided I wanted muscle, so I'm aiming at 127. (I'm somewhere between 5'2 and 5'3.)
  • Honestly, I've only been on these forums for a few weeks. But I've learned more in that time about diet, nutrition and exercise from people on this site, than I have in my entire life trying to figure it all out on my own. Sometimes, people give contradicting advice, but I didn't know about or understand basal metabolic…
  • My pre-prepared baby names are Amelia Jean, for a girl and Sullivan Jeffrey, for a boy. I'm trying to get my husband to let me throw Zoella in the mix, but he hates it. (My grandmother's name is Ozella and I thought that would pay homage to her while still being original.)
  • Just make a turkey sandwich, and then throw the whole thing in the blender. YUM! But in all seriousness, when I was a kid my mom had weight loss surgery (It failed.) and afterward she wasn't supposed to have solid food for a while. And she got this brilliant idea to try to blenderize the food she liked. She tried to eat…
  • I'm on Day 4 now. Day 2 was miserable, no amount of Motrin could help that situation. Day 3 I was better, but then when I did the shred my muscles were killing me. I haven't done the workout yet today, but I already feel the pain. Getting up and sitting down in chairs is making my muscles ache. I can't even imagine how…
  • That's what I was talking about, the type of soreness where you can't climb stairs or bend over and pick up a basket of laundry without wanting to cry. I don't mean a little achy. My butt feels like it did when I got in trouble in 3rd grade and got a paddling from the gym teacher. (I hid in the bathroom during the whole…
  • Okay, well, I guess I should just learn to appreciate that my muscles are getting stronger, and I can do more today than I could yesterday. Because I want to get fit, I guess I just need a different mindset on muscle soreness.
  • I tend to be obsessive anyway. So, now my mind is constantly on fitness and diet. I used to think about food in terms of which would taste the best and would make me happy. Now, I think about it in terms of how many calories, carbs, protein and fat it has. Which takes more time because I never really thought about the…
  • Yes people do it. Yes it's healthy. If you do something like Leangains or the Warrior diet, you eat the same amount of calories each day as you would on any diet. You just eat them in a shorter period of time during the day. If you do something like 5:2 or Alternate day fasting, then you would eat at or above TDEE on your…
  • I haven't eaten Subway in so long! Anything that I don't cook myself is considered a cheat meal for me. But when I do: Italian Herbs and cheese 6 inch (actually, I used to order a foot long unless I was with someone who I felt would judge my poor choices.) Double cheese (cheddar and swiss) Chicken Pizziola without…
  • I'm not completely sure. As a small child I was thin. But my parents had atrocious eating habits, and my grandparents always cooked my favorite foods and let me have as much as I could stuff in my face. My mom put cheese on every single thing we ate. And we were almost completely sedentary. Video games and TV were our main…
  • I'm just starting out, so I wasn't sure. Every time I've tried to work out previously, I've quit because my muscles were sore for 2 days. This time, I'm determined to stick it out, but I just wanted to know if it ever got easier to deal with, or if you just get used to it.
  • I was measured less than a month ago, and they put me in 44DD and I thought they seemed a little tight. Today, the top part of the cup is loose and wrinkles. But, I'm just starting out, and I don't want to buy new bras every couple of weeks for the entire 160 lb weight loss. So I might have to become a bra stuffer.
  • I put baby spinach in everything. I scramble eggs and toss in a handful of spinach and saute it. I use it instead of lettuce on sandwiches and salads. I chop it up and add it to soups and pasta. I make spinach quesadillas. Mac and Cheese? Add spinach. Potato soup? Add spinach.
  • I can't sleep if I go to bed hungry, and breakfast makes me nauseous sometimes, unless it's after 10 am. So that would never work for me. It's probably a good thing I was never picked for The Biggest Loser.
  • I'm at 280 lbs and I just finished Day 3. My mom is at 294 and she did Day 1 today. (We did it together, both on level 1.) 1st day I was dying. Every move was difficult. Especially pushups, reverse crunches, and bicycle crunches. And getting up and down from the floor was a workout in itself. I used 2 pound weights,…
  • I don't track gum or spices, especially those I don't measure, but I'm thinking I should start measuring and tracking salt. I don't track things without calories like tea with splenda or vitamins. I don't measure a lot of stuff when I'm cooking, and I don't know how to figure out servings. I've started trying to keep track…
  • Back in high school, I dated a guy that was the king of backhanded complements. Like, 'Your the biggest girl I ever dated, but you are the nicest one. I guess food does make people happy.' Or 'If you would just lose a few pounds, you would be the prettiest girl I have ever been with.' Most of the time he didn't even bother…
  • That doesn't make sense. I downloaded the app about year ago and didn't use it. Then, a month ago when I got serious about my health, I remembered the app and pulled it up again and started using it. And I didn't go online and find the forums until a week after that. I'm not going around telling people what to do anyway,…
  • I have a massive amount of weight to lose. I am just at the beginning of my journey, but I've been down this road many times before, most of the time losing just to gain it all back. I don't know what does work very well, but I know what DOESN'T work from experience. So if someone says, 'I lost 20 pounds consuming nothing…
  • I've done that before, too. I used to have days when I would stop at KFC or McDonald's and get 2 full meals, eat them and throw away the evidence. Then I would go home and eat dinner. I still have bad days every once in a while, but I'm trying to change my mindset about food. Have you considered therapy or Overeaters…
  • I try to drink most of my water in the morning, because if I drink a liter before bed, I pee every 2 hours.
  • I looked in to it. My insurance would pay 80% after I paid my deductible. They required a 6 month doctor supervised diet/weight loss program. I planned on talking to my doctor, but I started changing my eating habits and exercising on my own. I don't want to have surgery. The only one I would have even thought about doing…
  • I tried to start (I'm at 280 lbs.) I got shin splints, so I went back to walking. I'm looking to buy new shoes and start again. In the meantime, I'm walking and doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.