

  • I'm 5'7" and my current weight is 133. My highest weight was 145 and I felt really chunky. My pants are still the same size at this weight and I feel pretty flabby still. So I'm trying to figure out if it is realistic for my goal to include weight loss, with a goal weight of 125, or if I should only focus on strength…
  • Hi everyone! I totally forgot to check in on Sunday... this past weekend was non-stop school work for a big deadline on Monday. I had no time to workout this last week, and as of last night I have yet another cold. Usually I'm the one person who doesn't get the flu when everyone else has it, so I don't know what's going on…
  • I did my 100 push-ups and always drink enough water thankfully. I can do about 5 push-ups in a row on my toes. I only managed to get in 3 workouts this week, but I worked out really hard when I did. Kind of a bad week otherwise. Stress of school is getting worse and my sleep schedule is all out of whack. Anyway, hopefully…
  • Hi everyone- Sorry I haven't been checking in much throughout the week. I am so busy with grad school it's impossible to even workout most of the time let alone post to a blog! =) Even though I don't post much, I think having something I feel the need to check in to (other than myself or just mfp) has been very…
  • Hi Everyone-- I had a rough week last week... getting sick the third time in a row and super busy. I only managed to work out once, and I ate too much on Saturday! Weight is still the same luckily. About 5 more pounds to go. I'll be happy with just 2 more for awhile, just being under 130 would be great. I just changed my…
  • Perfect week complete! To the bare minimum requirements, haha. 4 workouts. 3 strength, 1 cardio. Calories and water met everyday. I think I met protein once. Weight is the same as last week. Measurements the same.
  • Just checking in for last week. Weight is the same. I was really sick with major chest congestion and taking antibiotics so I didn't work out at all. I managed to stay within my calorie range luckily. I'm mostly better now so I'm going to try to get in at least 4 workouts this week, probably starting tomorrow. Not the best…
  • Question: I consider not going over my calories to be a success. I have my calorie goal set to 1100, sometimes 1200. If I workout I usually burn around 300+ calories, so I can eat maybe 1500 or so total, but I usually am not hungry after 1400 or so. So to succeed in the perfect week I would have to eat all 1500 calories on…
  • Hope everyone is doing well. I am getting ANOTHER cold. Normally my immune system is awesome; not sure what's happening lately. This week: 3 days strength (upper and lower) 2 days cardio 500 jumping jacks. I probably could have done more, but I just don't like them that much and doing more today with a bad sore throat…
  • Forgot to check in yesterday. 2 days of strength training (upper and lower). Think I met my calorie and water goals each day, but I had a really bad cold and super busy school schedule so I didn't get to exercise much. Hopefully this week will be better.
  • Here's my check-in: Current Weight: 133.5 (stayed between 130-136 for the last 2 years... so this isn't really a real loss yet, but 2.5 down from start of the challenge) Height: 5'7" Highest weight (over 3 years ago): 145 Goal Weight: 127 Waist at belly button: 28" 2 inches below belly button: 34" Hips: 38" Bust: 36" Arms:…
  • Sorry I'm late checking in. No weight loss. Did run 5 extra miles, all at once on Saturday! Only did 100 crunches. 2 days of strength training (upper and lower body) 1 day of cardio. Rough week. Back on track today! Congrats to everyone else!
  • Hello! It was my birthday yesterday (26), and I started celebrating on Thursday night and didn't really stop until tonight, so needless to say I drank too much alcohol calories and ate too much good food. But I'm excusing myself since it was my birthday, and I also had a really heavy workload for the end of my internship…
  • Okay here's my weekly checkin: Weight: 133.5 (1 more pound down somehow!) Cardio: 1 day Strength training: upper and lower body: 1 day I ate less healthy than I normally do and was super busy with work working long hours so I couldn't even exercise everyday. I managed to not go overboard by eating whatever I wanted but…
  • Sorry I'm late with the weekly update. My week starts Monday in my head so Sunday feels too soon to report on progress. I guess I just need to do it right before bed next week. Height: 5'7" Current Weight: 134.5 (lost 1.5 pounds, but that could just be because I weighed more last week due to my period...) Highest weight…
  • Hi, I'm Brooklyn; hope I'm not too late to join this. Just did a search for losing the last 10 pounds today and found this. I am full-time grad student, so time for exercise and planning healthy meals is really hard most of the time. And when I'm stressed I quickly lose sight of my goals and just whatever is easiest. I…