mines open to add me tho im not doin so well with my food choices at mo :( xx
i dont drink juices really only sugar free squash which has about 4 calories a glass i tend to drink diet coke more xx
yeh ok i get what the sites about that wasnt what i was asking but thanks for ur input some of u with ur sarcy comments!! i dont log mine cos i drink diet coke tea with sweetener and a bit of no sugar concentrate juice so i dont see the point as it doesnt amount to much jus wondered how everyone else does it. i personal…
yeh thats what im doin tho i am eating a bit more now but still loosing but i wasnt eating enough before x
exactly i think sometimes ppl feel they have to comment to make themselves feel better and make it a egative comment to make us feel bad xx
i think its down to how u feel in urself i know my limits and i know how far i can go and what to do to get where i want to be xx
loving all the smily faces karen lol xx
thanks everyone im not looking to loose anymore just tone up and maintain now i am more confident than i have ever been and i am the slimmest i have been for a very long time xx
well 5ft 3-4 xx
im not very tall im 5ft 4 xx
see i weigh 109-110lb but im happy with my weight x
i have ost quite alot and i am a low weight but i have more confidence now than i ever have yet they put dampners on that by saying im anorexic xx
yeh see im the slimmest ive ever been even before i fell preg with my little boy i was nearly 3 stone heavier but after pregnancy decided to sort it out lol i think they are just shocked to see me slimmer xx
bump could you use sweetner which is no calories to sweeten?? xx
im having same problem but both of us arent eating enough apparently maybe up it again xx
also fast food normally contains alot more salt than food we would cook at home so u are prob retaining some water from that xx
i want to up my calories aswell but im worried i will gain as i only eat around 1200 a day whats the best way to do it without gaining what sort of things should i include in my diet xx