

  • I eat Market basket fat free cottage cheese. It tastes great, has 0 grams of sat fat, and has lots of protein, It also helps satisfy my cheese craving. I often put seeds (sunflower or pumpkin) or fruit in it. Enjoy, but if you don't like it, I don't think there is any reason to force yourself to eat it. It's not a super…
  • I'm in my 40s - no kids, never been married, not interested really in either... and deeply sincerely happy and fulfilled. :-) So fun to see so many others in our place in life!!!!
  • OK - You all inspired me with your answers. Here's mine: 1. how tall are you? 5 2. how old are you? 43 3. how much do you weigh? 131 4. how many gross calories do you eat? depends on the workout - normally between 1250-1400 5. how many net calories do you eat? around 800 (based on other people's answers, I maybe need to up…
  • Jeanine - THANK YOU for offering this information! I just checked it out and am going to try it as I have hit a little bit of a plateau and actually think may not eating enough calories. Thanks to both of you for pursuing the conversation to such an encouraging end! Happy eating! :-)
  • Squats while ironing!?!? You, go!!!!!! :=)
  • You can do it!!! You can do it!!! You can do it!!! I'm using the Insanity DVD at home and it is fantastic!! If I do the 10 minute "warm up" a few times I actually burn a lot of calories. You'll find what works for you and your schedule. Keep trying!!!
  • Hi there. Welcome to the club!! I eat several small meals a day and it helps to keep my hunger on a schedule. It takes less in one sitting to fill me up which means I eat less overall. If I get too hungry in between, I tend to overeat. You might try things like Quinoa, Kashi bars or Kashi frozen pizzas which are really…
  • Seems like WW is a GREAT first step to help people eat more fruits and veggies. Once people are eating well, however, I think we have to count them. I'm a vegetarian and if I didn't count them I could eat all day and night and gain lots of weight and not have any idea why. Those carbs add up.
  • You can use 1200 as a base, but when you exercise you can add the number of calories that you burn so you can eat more on those days. Homemade meals can be calculated under the recipe tab. I think that is what it's called. I calculated my homemade sauce and bread there. Hope that helps. Welcome to the community!!
  • I'm also using tools on Beachbody ( and they said for max healthy weight loss, including pretty highly intensive workouts 6 days per week, that I should aim for 1300. I would up your calories a little to at least 1300 or 1400... maybe even a little higher especially on the days you work out. You can…
  • Haha!! I love the honesty. I too prefer to workout alone and not worry about scent. :) I also push myself harder when I'm alone. I do enjoy working out with Shaun T, Bob Harper, and Jillian Michaels so I guess I'm not totally alone.