

  • * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Winthrop, Maine * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Rt. 41 * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Occasionally * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Barbies, Legos and Shriky Dinks * What games did you like to play? Tag,…
  • I'm in! With the weather change and me just being plain lazy, I have started to gain weight back and even stopped logging in here! This will help give me the motivation that I need and the support of others! Thanks dolls- this was just what I needed!!!!! Weigh in weeks: Sept 6: Sept 13: Sept 20: Sept 27: 189 Oct 4: Oct 11:…
  • butterscotch
  • quilted handbags....very hot right now
  • Vera Bradley :happy:
  • I'm in! I so need this today! Woke up in a hungry, snacky mood so this will be a good way to get through the day. Have errands planned for this morning and a trip to the library with the kids but after that we are headed to the track/soccer field. While the boys play I will increase my normal 1 mile walk to 2 miles! And…
  • Nothing here in Maine-but we did have a tornado....oh wait that was my kids, Sorry!