You look great! Good job. And btw, I love your necklace in the newer photo.
You look great! Dropping the weight has made you look younger too!
Thanks for sharing! Am about to start this program!!
You look amazing(ly hot)!
Lots of water and fiber help me feel full and avoid junk.
You look gorgeous in all of those pics! Congrats on the weight loss though :)
Minnesota, United States
When you eat your ice cream and poptarts, what flavors do you go with?
That's sad and gross looking... So does this mean no more Chuck Norris jokes?
Naked. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I didn't even bother to read the other responses, I'm sure someone already beat me to it.
You look strong, fit, and awesome!
I finally climbed to the top of the pole!!! Victory is mine!
There is DEFINITELY a difference! Way to go!! :)
After I bathe the dog, he loves to run around the house like a maniac. He'll run and up and down the length of the couch, rubbing his face up against it. He does the same thing after I comb him. Apparently he doesn't like the way Mom styles his hair. He looks like a little lion after he's done. He loves to be held like a…
bump to read later
bump Looking to become fit and toned myself!
Ever since this kid I knew in HS got a rash from a jacket that he should have had dry cleaned, I've been a bit leary about shopping at thrift stores... But I will still go in sometimes. If I'm feeling brave. :)
Now that I think about it, I guess I have been on Sertraline for almost 3 years now. I haven't had any issues with weight. I have put on a few pounds since then, but I would definitely blame other things like being less active, not the meds. As far as withdrawal, there was a time I just kind of forgot to take my meds for a…
I used to tell myself that I would just go for 20 minutes, and then once you're already there it's easy!
You look healthy and glowing! Definitely more confident. Thanks for sharing!
That's awesome! Maybe invest in a dress or two since they're easier to fit and will show off your legs still?
You look fabulous! I have NROL4W on hold at the library, super excited to pick it up tonight!!
Awful. It makes me bloat. I avoid it like the plague.
Definitely a change! I see it for sure in your butt and thighs. You look thinner through the tummy too. Good job!
You look absolutely fabulous! Strong and healthy - way to go!!!
You know what they say... Misery loves company. And those women sound (like) miserable (b*tches). Don't give in!
Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, BSG... Star Wars, The Princess Bride, LadyHawke. Yes, I did just put LadyHawke. Did my fair share of WoW and Pokemon. Yes, I did just put Pokemon. Reading? Oh boy... Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, Orson Scott Card... The lists go on and on. I'm a bit of a closet nerd myself. <3 *Edit* I…
Great idea, I'll give it a try. Thanks!
There was nothing "wrong" with you. Kids are mean.