I've noticed my fingers are a bit stiff/sore,especially in my left hand (I'm very right hand dominant). My ring finger feels almost jammed. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I love my pole class and would hate for this to get worse! I've just started doing basic inverts without a spotter and I'm really…
So here's the deal - I'm not looking to lose weight exactly. I'm looking to become more fit and am looking for friends who are fit or want to become fit. It's cool if you still have weight to lose, it's just my focus isn't on calorie counting so much as it is on becoming stronger and healthier. I currently exercise about…
Hi there! Trying to get back into shape but I just can't seem to shake this injury. Anyone out there have any tips or exercises? I pulled my right trapezius running a number of years ago, and it never seems to go away. I don't want to let this injury stand in my way of a fitter, healthier me anymore.