

  • Congratulations!!
  • I don't know how you feel about taking classes but that's where I found the most success before quitting the gym completely to workout at home. I do Turbo Fire, Insanity, P90X, etc. but know a lot people in the Beachbody community that still attend and teach at the gym (i.e. Turbo Kick, PiYo). Group classes can be very…
  • I too am not new to MFP but recently started using it on my laptop and discovered the message boards. I always start to put on weight when I take breaks from MFP and let myself splurge a little too much on the margaritas! (my weakness:wink: ). I love being able to make friends on here-just seeing people log on helps me…
  • Taking a rest day is good advice. Our bodies are thankful when we do-they need time to recharge. Also did you eat anything before your run? If you don't have anything at all it's common to bonk-quickly lose steam or feel like the workout is a struggle. Everyone is different. I know for me I have to have something about 45…