DIVAFIT43 Member


  • I never let people put labels on me. Those who try ..........f'em. I've been a confusing contradiction all my life, according to others. I define me and no on else.
  • Yep, I work out as soon as I wake up. However, I do make my protein shake before and drink it as I work out. I find that I perform better doing it this way.
  • Eh, a new wardrobe to start. Maybe a trip out of the country. I have been in the habit of rewarding myself on a weekly basis for several years now. We all do something fantastic every day, doesn't have to be grand in order to pat yourself on the tush;-)
  • Hello all, I am done with the fad diet Yo/yo dance. I'm looking for new healthy ways for losing and keeping the weight off. I have been using this app for two months and have achieved some great results. I love that it doesn't just track fat and calories, it includes nutrition stats so I can make sure that I'm giving my…
  • Way to hold your ground! I don't go to the gym any more because I have home equipment. I have an "intimidating" presence, so even in my gym bunny days I never had a muscle head challenge me while in the "men's" area. Keep doing you girl!