Is this Discord still active? If so, can somebody post an updated link for it?
I didn't lose my job; I voluntarily left to be able to be with my family more. I made great money, but I was gone from home 11 hours a day, and it got to a point where I wanted to be with my family more than we needed the money. That part has been a huge blessing. I work part-time for my church, primarily from home, but I…
And I just found a compatibility chart
Came across this post while searching for something else. I have the opposite issue and can share some information that may answer your question. I had the FT7 for a while and then bought the H7 so it would work with apps on my phone. The watch from the FT7 automatically picked up the signal from the H7, and actually the…
If you don't want them to see your diary for fear they'd do anything other than support you, just drop them from your friends.
Wow. Very awesome. Great job!
I just started it back up too. I started it last August and did it until the end of October. I bought a full cage (so that I could lift more safely without a spotter) in November and just used it for the first time this week. Let's do this!
I spent a week in Antigua in 2004 and loved it. We stayed at the Jolly Beach and it was good. I wouldn't say it was great, but they had everything I needed and I wasn't really there for the room anyway.
This: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." is the standard disclaimer on something that makes a claim like a drug, but isn't reviewed or approved as a drug. If it were a drug, the FDA would require proof…
Love that song, but it's a little bit slow for my target stride (it's about 148)
Almost done with The Righteous Mind - Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
I would say "the timeline" to make it parallel. The serial comma is optional, but I prefer it. Otherwise, it looks fine to me.
I am. We're probably neighbors. :)
I can't help it, but this is exactly what I think when I see this topic. :)
Awesome job. You rock!
I used to have that much to lose. If you would like support and motivation from me, feel free to add.
It sucks, but when people close to you say things like that, they often do have good intentions (not always). Be polite, but don't compromise what you're doing for your health to please them.
Welcome back. You got this!
People are jerks sometimes. His comment was even self-contradictory. How could you not be trying hard enough if it's so easy?
When I started reading this, I was prepared to jump in and try to be helpful, but between the 6000 calories per day and 12 pound gain in a week? I'm thinking troll.
Amazing. Great job!
It really stinks that people like this give kik a bad name. It really is a useful communication tool, and not everybody uses it like this guy did.
I've had to buy new clothes a few times now, and I've ditched the old ones (donated to Goodwill), and I'm not looking back.
Congratulations on meeting your goal!
I love having the information readily available, and when it's on the menu, it makes things a lot easier for me. However, I don't think this is something the government should force businesses to do. It's not government's place (IMO). This is something a free market could sort out on its own. If enough people demanded it…
I started C25k at ~270 pounds and I'm now hanging around 190. Running is pretty much the only exercise I do. I believe that my weight loss is attributed primarily to a change in eating habits, but the running does help, and it's great for overall health.
I don't even understand what the problem is. Drinking soda and 2% milk will not necessarily cause you to fail at losing weight, so why stop him from doing that if it's important to him? My wife and I have very different tastes for beverages, and we just buy some of each. I don't think either one of us ever considered it to…
I have to admit, I felt pretty awesome when I crossed that line from Obese into Overweight. Still working toward "Normal"! :)
It depends on the price. I'd probably pay up to about $20/year, but I'd also expect that the ads get removed.
I did it a little over a year ago. Great program!